40 Church and Ministry Leaders’ Beach Houses, Beach Condos and Waterfront Homes Identified; Their Total Net Worth Is $140 Million

“The accumulation of wealth by America’s religious leaders is an under-reported story because few religion reporters engage in data journalism. To understand the big picture requires identifying the property assets of hundreds of pastors and ministry leaders to build an informative data set. Adding to the challenge, the most expensive real estate is often hidden in trusts or shell companies and privacy laws in some states complicate the process of identifying property owners. Informants have played an important role in identifying and confirming some of the properties.”

(Barry Bowen – Trinity Foundation) Beach houses and beach condos along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts have become the vacation homes of choice for America’s wealthiest pastors.

In 2017, Joel Osteen purchased a beach house in Newport Coast, California, for $5 million. Recently, the Redfin real estate website estimated Osteen’s second home to be worth $11 million.

Over the past three years Trinity Foundation has conducted hundreds of property searches, resulting in the discovery of 40 beach houses, beach condos and waterfront homes in coastal cities owned by church and ministry leaders and their non-profit organizations. These 40 properties are worth a combined $140 million.  View article →


CRN has compiled a list of false teachers and several other professing Christians we’ve warned you about over the years. The list also contains those we must keep an eye on plus movements, organizations and “frauds, phonies and money-grubbing religious quacks” to mark and avoid as per Romans 16:17-18


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