Peace and Unity With the Left is Not an Option for Christians

“This isn’t merely about Trump or politics—it’s about worldview. Conservatives share absolutely nothing with those who support the systematic murder of innocent unborn children. Absolutely nothing with those who want to push harmful transgender ideologies on children. And nothing with those who believe the state is a higher authority than God, and who want everyone to bow to this secular deity.”

(The Dissenter) In the aftermath of the recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump, it may seem prudent to seek common ground with our enemies. It may be easy to fall prey to the superficial and hollow calls to “unity” from political leaders—whether it be Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, or Gretchen Whitmer—condemning the violence.

Yet, we must not be deceived by this empty deceit, for the underlying worldview and agenda of these leftist leaders remain fundamentally opposed to God, the Church, and His creation. While we are glad that they, at least in words, condemned the violence, that’s about the only thing we can agree on. View article →


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