CRN articles about Authority of Scripture
- False Teacher, Tony Campolo, Hears Dreaded Words: ‘Depart From Me…’
- Alistair Begg Announces He’s Retiring From Senior Pastor at Parkside Church
- Francis Chan Joins Benny Hinn and a Cloister of Nuns (Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary) For Jesus Conference
- More than 7,000 churches split from United Methodist Church over homosexuality
- PCA and Revoice Pastor Says Gay ‘Christian’ Couples Romantically Loving and Snuggling Together Isn’t Sinful
- Ligonier Survey Demonstrates Most Evangelicals are Heretics That Hold to Damnable False Beliefs
- Christian Leaders Repudiate Branch Covidianism With Frankfurt Declaration
- In a Surprising Move, Left-Drifting Reformed Denomination Codifies Homosexuality as Sin in Revised Confession
- Rick Warren Rebukes the SBC for Daring to Remove his Church over Ordaining Women
- Sarah Young’s Heretical Book ‘Jesus Calling’ Has sold 40,000,000 Copies
- Study finds 37% of pastors have biblical worldview: Spiritual awakening ‘needed in our pulpits’
- Gay CRU Leader, Turned Catholic, Explains How Tim Keller Helped Him Shape His Pro-LGBTQ Views
- Major Group of Conservatives to Split from United Methodist Church on May 1
- France Passes Law Banning Prayer, Counseling for Homosexuals, Including From Parents; Hefty Fines and Prison
- YouTube Labels John MacArthur’s Homosexuality Sermon as ‘Hate Speech’ and Removes It
- John MacArthur Urges Pastors To Join Him By Taking A Stand On Biblical Sexual Morality On January 16
- Revoice 2021 Conference To Feature Roman Catholic Lesbian Speaker
- Bethel Leader Bill Johnson Denies Scripture – ‘God Doesn’t Control Everything’
- Hillsong CEO Says It’s ‘Unfortunate’ to Represent What the Bible Says About Homosexuality
- Is Praying for Gay Conversion ‘Hate Prayer’?
- Francis Chan Says Catholic Understanding of Gospel is Very Similiar, If Not the Same, as His
- Christian University Faculty Revolt After Board Votes to Affirm Biblical View of Sexuality
- After Nearly Two Years, Gay-Affirming Southern Baptist Church Finally Booted from Denomination
- Christian Research Group: US ‘Moving Toward Elimination of Biblical Worldview as Cornerstone of Society’
- Survey Shows Many Professing Christians Being Shaped by Culture Rather Than Biblical Truth
- US, Canadian Conferences of Catholic Bishops ‘Consecrate’ Nations to Mary, Ask Her to Intercede Amid Pandemic
- Bethel Church Suggests ‘LGBTQ+’ People ‘Who Feel Fulfilled and Happy As You Are’ Don’t Need to Change or Repent
- PCA General Assembly Approves the Nashville Statement as a Faithful Declaration on Biblical Sexuality
- SBC elites offer resolution praising Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality
- Former Homosexuals, Transgenders to March in Washington in Celebration of Freedom in Christ
- ‘Ministers’ Claim Sex Before Marriage, Hookups ‘Not Sinful,’ Say Chastity Is ‘Outdated and Silly’ Expectation
- Swarthmore College Introduces ‘Queering the Bible’ Course
- Adrian Rogers center has a commitment to expository preaching
- Mary at heart of next World Youth Day gathering
- Primates distance themselves from the US Episcopal Church in official statement
- Artist Don Francisco berates Christians for believing the Bible is true
- Gay “marriage” approved by Carlisle Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church USA
- American Baptist College defends invite to lesbian speaker, says Christians make ‘idol’ of Bible
- Pastor defines his identity not by his same-sex attraction, but in Christ
- Southern Baptist leader speaks out against Newsweek’s ‘hit piece’ cover story
- Christian radio station pulls out of Michael Gungor concert
- How To Cause Godly Grief
- No, Charisma Magazine, Blood Moons Do Not Mean Anything
- Feminization and the Church
- Punching Back at Temptation
- Christian, You’re Engulfed In An All-Out Spiritual Battle. Are You Prepared?
- Unequally Yoked in Business?
- Discerning Dietrich Bonhoeffer
- Deconstruction is the Highway to Sexual Anarchy
- The Pastor Said What? Deception In Our Time
- Enjoying the Anger of Jesus
- Should Christians Participate in Halloween? 7 Scriptures to Consider (Reprise)
- Former Reformed Podcaster-turned-feminist, Aimee Byrd, Ordains Herself and Officiates Her Brother’s Wedding
- The Compromised Compassion of ‘Side B’ Ministries
- Andy Stanley Says You Can Deny the Vast Majority of Scripture and Still be a Christian
- The Disturbing Trend of Continuationism Embraced by the Modern Church
- Why Progressivism Hates Repentance
- Cru Ends Gay Affirming Curriculum Amid Backlash
- Despite What Crackpot ‘Theologians’ Say, Paul’s Words are the Authoritative Word of God
- Beth Moore Pits Apostle Paul Against Jesus in Latest Blunder, Adopts ‘Red Letter’ Heresy
- Am I doing something wrong if I make a huge decision and don’t wait to hear from God?
- Finding God’s will is no deep dark secret
- Religious Pluralism: The Roman Catholic Church’s Last Ditch Effort to Undermine the Gospel
- Cultural Christianity Is Not Enough
- Exposing the Campaign for Immorality
- How Unclean Spirits Destroy Civilizations
- I Eavesdropped On An ‘Evangelicals For Harris’ Zoom Call. Here’s What I Learned.
- Heresy presented as mercy
- When to Rebuke Sharply (and Gently)
- Evangelicalism Has Been Hijacked By Woke Elitist ‘Progressive Christians’ (Reprise)
- How 80s Movies Catechized a Generation, And What We Can Learn from Them
- Evangelicalism Has Been Hijacked By ‘Woke’ Elitist Progressive ‘Christians’
- Did You Know ‘Christians for Kamala’ is a Thing? Look at This Circus
- If You Buy Into Climate Change Alarmism, You Can’t Believe the Gospel
- The Transgender Movement is the Beast’s Litmus Test For Compliance
- Christian Publishing Houses Are Advancing The Apostasy Pandemic In The Church (Reprise)
- Does the Bible actually teach that we’re not to judge others?
- Peace and Unity With the Left is Not an Option for Christians
- Latest ‘He Gets Us’ Campaign Sees ‘They/Thems’ as Victims of Christian Bigotry
- BioLogos: The Deceptive Agenda to Undermine Biblical Truth with Evolutionary Mythology
- On Roman Catholicism vs The Gospel: Why We Draw the Line at Justification
- If Southern Baptists Failed to Take a Stand on Women in the Pulpit, Just Imagine What’s Next
- The Gospel Coalition’s Incessant Quest for Cultural Relevance Is What Makes Them Irrelevant to the Church
- Deconstructing – But From What?
- United Methodists Lose One Million Members in One Day, After Oversees Contingent Cuts Ties Over Same-Sex Support
- ‘Queer Animals’ Propaganda From NBC Seeks to ‘Prove’ Homosexuality is Natural
- The Kingdom of the Lord, the Kingdom of Satan, and Spiritual Warfare
- Multiculturalism is Ideological Diversity, a Schismatic Heresy That Dooms Churches to Failure
- American Evangelical Increasingly Embracing the Foolishness that God Accepts Worship From All Religions
- One of the The Fruits of Human Depravity is: Stupidity
- Ecumenical vs. Evangelical
- Massive share of Generation Z identifies as LGBT
- Calvary Chapel’s Embrace Of Side B Heresy
- Why mixing up social justice and biblical justice matters
- A Biblical Response to ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’
- What Does Paul Say about Spiritual Warfare?
- SBC Women’s Conference Speaker Appears in Promo Video With Transgenders Promoting LGBTQ Ideology in the Church
- A New and Rising Liberalism in the Church
- When Does Life Begin and Does It Really Matter?
- Heresy of the Day: Transubstantiation
- Unpacking ‘No Creed but the Bible’
- 4 Biblical Reasons I Rejected Evolution
- The Chosen Advertises Getting God’s Sovereignty Wrong
- A Tale of Two Paintings: Reformation vs. Deconstruction
- TGC Podcaster Says ‘I think Christianity Makes a Case that to be Human is to Have (Gender) Dysphoria’
- John MacArthur Rebukes Alistair Begg in New Q&A +’We’ve Been Friends for 45 Years…And Now He’s Going to be Defined By That’
- Preston Sprinkle Promotes Heresies That Lead People Away From True Repentance and Faith, and Straight to Hell
- Open Homo Sex in the Capitol: No One is Scandalized
- God Told Me: The Pentecostalization of Evangelical Theology of Revelation
- Can Christians Attend Gay Weddings?
- Ligonier’s RefNet and Shepherd’s Conference Cancels Alistair Begg
- Alistair Begg Refuses To Repent, Attacks American Evangelicals In Awful Sermon
- The Wrath Of A Righteous God
- The Meaning of Non-Binary Sexuality
- Ten Reasons Why a Christian Should Never Attend a Homosexual ‘Wedding’
- Side B Theology Exposed: The Push For More Homosexual Pastors
- Alistair Begg Doubles Down on LGBTQ Wedding Remarks, Gets the Boot From American Family Radio
- Alistair Begg Caves to LGBTQ Movement, Suggests Christians Attend LGBTQ Wedding Ceremonies
- The Roman Pope Embraces a Heretical Universalist View of Hell and Eternity
- Refuting the Call for Unity in Compromise: The Importance of Upholding the Biblical Truth of the Flood Narrative
- Debunking Leftist Myths About Jesus: Jesus Was Married to Mary Magdalene
- Choose This Day: You Can Have the World, or You Can Have Christ, But You Can’t Have Both
- Preston Sprinkle Hosts Webinar on Why We Need More Homosexual and Queer ‘Christian Leaders’
- Three Marks of Progressive-Lite Evangelicals
- Drag Queen Church Puts on Mock Courtroom Performance Deliberating Anti-Homosexual Passages
- Supreme Court Sides With Washington Law Banning Christian Counseling for LGBTQ Issues for Minors
- The post-Christian media is enormously ignorant about Christianity
- Perry Noble’s New Church Reaches Megachurch Status, Announces a Second Church Franchise in Greenville
- Remembering These Heretics Who Met Their End and Now Fully Understand the Wrath of God
- A Roundup of No Quarter November, Moscow Shenanigans, and Sinful Sexual Desires
- Snares of the Modern Church – Political Correctness
- Timothy Keller: Human Reason vs. Biblical Authority
- Rosaria Butterfield Names Preston Sprinkle, Revoice, and CRU as Teaching Heresy on LGBTQ
- Pope Francis Fires Popular ‘Protestant Priest’ for Criticizing Him All the Time
- Make Disciples
- Catholic Church Updates Dogma to Include Co-habiting Homosexual Couples as ‘Conforming to the Faith’
- God Hates Wicked People
- Self-absorbed ‘Christians’ And Their Perceptions Of The Bible
- 3 Things You Should Know about 1 & 2 Timothy
- Why Do Many Christians Foolishly Argue Against Creeds, Confessions, and Catechisms as if They Threaten the Authority of Scripture?
- Prominent Pastor Who Vocally Opposes Andy Stanley for LGBTQ Views Proudly Platforms Pro-LGBTQ TPUSA
- What Happened on Reformation Day?
- 10 Reasons Christians Can Be Thankful in Trying Circumstances
- Untwisting the Bible, Part VI: Jesus Sinned?
- Demon Possession and the Christian Bible
- Unconditional Conference: Andy Stanley Says Attending a Gay Wedding is ‘Good Theology’+ Disses Rosaria Butterfield
- All Christians, Not Just Catholics, Should Be Worried About Pope Francis’ Synod
- Why Are So Many Worship Pastors Theologically and Morally Compromised?
- Andy Stanley Tells ‘Unconditional Conference’ Attendees He REFUSES to Say ‘Homosexuality is a Sin’
- Psalm 50: 21-22: Holy God to the depraved: NOW do you see the stupidity, depravity, and evil in your hearts?
- Dark Times for the Roman Catholic Church?
- Debunking the Myths: How Continuationists Misrepresent Cessationism
- They’re Making a List, Checking It Twice — Is Your Church Naughty or Nice?
- Timothy Keller: Turning Believers Into Unbelievers?
- Christian Nationalism, G3, and the Church’s Duty to be Salt and Light
- Veggie Tales Creator Releases Series Ft. Woke Xtians Complaining About Being Judged
- On Evangelical Instability And The Remedy
- Acts 29 Pastor Says Gay Atheist Came to Christ Through a Psychic Tarot Card Reader Consulting a Native American Spirit Guide
- Acts 29 Promotes LGBTQ Inclusivity in the Church and Waters Down the Gravity of The Sin of Homosexuality
- Bible Verses Prosperity Gospel Preachers Ignore
- Debunking Leftist Myths About Jesus – Jesus Was a Universalist
- Apostasy of the Modern Church and the Immutable Righteousness of God
- The Real King Jesus vs The Modern False Jesus
- God’s Impending Judgment on the False Churches of the Modern World
- Why We Must Confront False Teachers No Matter How Outlandish and Absurd They Are
- Pope Francis Affirms ‘Transgenderism’
- The heart of the shepherd and the essential church
- Despite What Popular Evangelical Pastors Are Saying, Doubt is an Enemy of the Faith
- Defending the Inspiration of the Whole of Scripture Against Modern Skeptics
- Why Full Belief in the Whole Bible is an Essential Doctrine of the Christian Faith
- Most Southern Baptist Leaders Worship a False Jesus
- The Gospel Coalition Promotes Gay Christian YA Novel
- Five Biblical Ways to Spot a False Prophet
- Only Christ will conserve America
- How Evangelical Leaders Have Co-opted ‘Loving Your Neighbor’ to Distort the Gospel
- The Importance of Training Children in Biblical Apologetics From a Young Age
- A Biblical Perspective in the Preeminence of Scripture in Christian Politics
- Vanguard Church Dares SBC to Disfellowship
- PCA Passes Overture Condeming Sex-Changes For Children by 58% to 42% Vote
- Aimee Byrd Torches Her ‘Uptight’ Old Church, Reveals THIS about Her New One
- “Sodomonogamy” is not a good thing
- No More Pastrixes! SBC Messengers Vote to Amend the BFAM 2000, Crushing the Dreams of Bitter Egalitarians
- Multiculturalism in the Church is not a Biblical Mandate, It is a Heresy
- Rick Warren Publishes Open Letter in Gay-Affirming Publication Pushing Women Pastors in SBC
- Russell Moore’s Condemnation of Uganda’s Anti-Gay Law is a Trainwreck of Deceit and Stupidity
- The Unsettling Exodus: Why Evangelicals are Turning from the Scriptures
- Matt Chandler Expels Church After Pastors Criticize Acts 29 for Promotion of Transgenderism
- The Pride Cult Really Hates Judeo-Christian Values
- Progressive Infiltration and Christian Conviction
- Does God Forbid Women From Preaching Because of a Higher Susceptibility to False Teachings?
- Practicing Discernment and Marking False Teachers is Not ‘Casting Stones,’ It’s an Act of Love
- Global Anglicans Issue Statement: ‘We Cannot Walk Together’ with Apostate Anglicans in Church of England
- Andy Stanley Says His Father’s Dying Words to Him Were ‘I Couldn’t Be Prouder of You’
- The Discernment of Charles Spurgeon, a Foundation for the Modern Believer
- Truth Amidst Turmoil: Discerning and Defending the Faith in the Age of Subtle Spiritual Deception
- Ken Ham Rebukes Andy Stanley for His Affirmation of Evolution
- Five Observations of Modern Church Liberal Drift and Apostasy
- Uganda Bans Homosexuality, and the Left Blames…Evangelical Americans?
- Rosaria Butterfield Publicly Repents of Using Preferred Pronouns, Urges Others to do the Same
- The Push to Normalize Weird Sexuality in the Church is Increasing at an Alarming Rate
- The Bible Project’s Tim Mackie believes Penal Substitutionary Atonement stems from pagan sacrifice rituals
- How to Be a Berean
- Jeff Durbin, James White Own Brandan Robertson in Debate On Homosexuality
- Preston Sprinkle LGBTQ Parenting Video is Explicit: Your Child Will Be Gay Forever
- Seven Reasons Why We Should Not Accept Millions of Years
- He Gets Us Exposed: The Money and Marketing behind the $20 Million SuperBowl Ads
- Is IF:Gathering’s Jennie Allen A False Teacher?
- ‘Woke Jesus’ Is Not Jesus at All
- Another One?!! Saddleback Church Promotes and Partners with Pro-LGBTQ+ Ministry ‘Embracing the Journey’
- Exclusive! Andy Stanley’s Children’s Ministry Led by Pro-LBGTQ+ Activists
- Two Pastors Drop Major Bombshell Allegations Against Andy Stanley After Attending Private Q&A
- Matt Chandler to Join Revoice ‘Gay Christianity’ Founder for Conference
- The issue with Parachurch organizations – especially ones founded by women
- Is ‘Pride’ the Woke World Version of the ‘Mark of the Beast’?
- Transgenderism as the Conduit for the Persecution of the Church
- Andy Stanley Denies Hebrews 4:12, “Don’t Say ‘The Bible Says’”
- The Pulpitless Plague: A Tragic Tale of Abandonment and its Devastating Impact on the Church
- SBTS Dean, Hershael York, Reveals Unbiblical *Nuanced* Mindset Behind Restoring Adulterous Pastors
- Franklin Graham Gives Christian Music Star Amy Grant a Reality Check Straight from the Bible After Her Gay Wedding Announcement
- Amy Grant And The Pitfall Of Being Liked By The World
- To Christian Parents
- Heresy: Antinomianism
- Is God Using Sexual Immorality to Separate the Sheep from the Goats?
- When Christian Leaders Capitulate On Marriage, Innocent Children Suffer
- Breaking down the truth that women may not preach in church or teach men
- Sodom’s Behavior: Homosexuality Or Gay Rights?
- Warning: A Popular Social Media Platform Is ‘Drawing Young People Into the Occult’
- Andy Stanley Says There’s No ‘Clear Divine Standard’ of God Revealed to Mankind
- Andy Wood Dares SBC To Disfellowship Saddleback Over Female Pastors
- SBTS Prof, Denny Burk Calls on Southern Baptists to Disfellowship Saddleback But Misses the Bigger Issue
- On Spiritual Partnerships With Apostates: Where We Draw the Line Biblically
- The Worlds Quickest Case of Christaphobia In Action
- TGC’s Christopher Yuan says, ‘God Didn’t Say Be Heterosexual’
- Rosaria Butterfield Blasts Tribalistic ‘Gay Christians’ + ‘Side B’ Revoicers
- Albert Mohler Says That Christians who Vote for Democrats are being ‘Unfaithful’ + ‘Voting Wrongly’
- Beth Moore Heads Preaching Conference at Gay-Affirming ‘Christian’ University
- Timothy Keller’s Anti-Biblical Science: Beware Of 2 More Ways He Fails
- No Court, Legislature, or President Has a Right to Decide on Perversion—Let Alone Approve it!
- Why The Gospel Coalition Is A Defeated Organization
- Gay and Celibate: A Contradiction in Terms
- What Is Promised to the Two or Three Who Are Gathered in Jesus’ Name?
- Christians Must Protest Pride Parades and Their Violent, Sodom-like, Riotous Stonewall Origin
- Tom Ascol urges conservatives to think carefully about future in SBC
- The Southern Baptist Convention is Useless and Deserves Nothing But Mockery
- Paul’s Warnings to the Galatians Still Speak to Us
- Tim Keller Accuses Conservative Christians of Being ‘Angry’ Because We’re Not Actually Saved
- SBTS Grad and Revoice Leader Says Being Pro-Life Means Honoring Trans People
- Amid Sex Abuse Scandal, Remember, Evangelical Feminists Wanted to Do Away With Billy Graham Rule
- Deep State? What About Deep Church?
- A Biblically-Informed Approach to Thinking About the Buffalo Shooting
- A Person’s Sincerity or Good Intentions Does Not Equal Biblical Fidelity
- Thank God For Clarity
- Prominent Southern Baptist Pastor Calls for Legal Abortions
- Of course they are coming for your children
- ‘Progressive’ Christianity—After Our Children and Grandchildren
- ‘God is Queer,’ Duke Divinity Students Proclaim
- The Children of Men: Understanding the Human Origins of Heresy
- What is God’s Purpose in Allowing False Teachers to Flourish?
- John MacArthur Still Contending While Friends Abandon Him
- Tim Keller Wrongly Portrays Pharisees as ‘Bible-believing Religious People’
- TV’s ‘The Chosen’ Director Dallas Jenkins Doubles Down on Controversial Mormon Comments, Straight up Lies
- More Details on the Pastor Hillsong Promoted After He Was Caught in Adulterous Sex Scandal
- Once Again, I Ask Andy Stanley to Resign
- Todd Pruitt Offers Public Retraction, ‘Regrets’ Endorsing Aimee Byrd’s Book
- Does the Church Need LGBTQ People?
- Christians in Canada, you no longer owe submission to your government
- The Return of Roman Religion
- ‘The Chosen’ Biblical Consultant met Christ via New Age/Eastern Meditation?
- Thousands of American Pastors Preach in Solidarity With Canadian Christians Crushed by Demonic New Law
- A Pandemic In Christendom: Calling Out Evangelical Compromise In The Church
- Greg Johnson To The PCA: ‘Merry Christmas. Here Is A Lump Of Coal For Your Stocking’
- Beth Moore is finally ‘home’
- Does the Holy Spirit speak new words today?
- Identity Wars: What did Paul mean when he wrote, ‘such were some of you?’
- Heresy of the Last 40 Years: Hermeneutic of ‘Love’
- How to Teach Your Kids to Spot A False Gospel
- Southern Baptist Pastor and ERLC Leaders Suggests Paul’s Words Are Not Authoritative
- This is Where the ‘Transgender’ Ideologues are Demanding We All Go, And They Think They’re Winning
- You Just Need to Obey
- ‘If Satan wrote an article about the Bible, it would look just like this.’
- Remaining Faithful When Others Embrace LGBTQ+ Theology
- Beth Moore Says Abstaining From Gay Sex is a ‘Sacrifice’ For Gay Celibates
- What is Queer Theory and How Are Churches Embracing It Either Intentionally or Inadvertently
- Be Willing to Submit to Our Good God on the Issue of Homosexuality
- How Will the People in Heaven View Hell?
- Five Observations of Modern Church Liberal Drift and Apostasy
- Biblical Beliefs Take A Nose Dive
- Major evangelical figure comes out as gay
- There is no coherent way to combine the identities ‘gay’ and ‘Christian.’
- Beware of Twisted Teachers
- Is Progressive Christianity Christian?
- Beth Moore Affirms Divorce For Women Who Don’t Want Sexual Relations With Husband
- The heretical nature of Charles Finney’s theology
- ‘The Jesus Music’ Trailer Launches, But a Third of the Featured Artists are Pro-Gay
- In Non-Essentials Liberty?
- id the Little Guy Really Win? – The 48th PCA General Assembly
- Is God really the one behind ‘The Chosen,’ as the creator of the series declares?
- Justification by Association
- To My Fathers and Brothers: A Plea From Your Sister In the Pew
- Enneagram Divination: Evidence of an Evangelical Paradigm Shift
- The Spiritual Damage Caused By the Rebellion of Women Preachers in the Church
- A Peculiar Approach to Unity
- Like Greear, New SBC President Says the Bible ‘Whispers’ About Homosexuality
- Spiritual Deception Is Rampant
- Pitiful Pride
- Make This Your General Rule of Thumb When Binding the Conscience of Others
- The New Evangelical False Gospel of Unity
- Post NAR Traumatic Stress
- The New Evangelical False Gospel of Unity
- Christian publishing houses are advancing the apostasy pandemic in the Church
- Beth Moore Demeans Godly Women As ‘Just Packing the Brothers’ Lunchkits’
- The First ‘Transgender Bishop’ Shows How Churches Abandon Christianity
- In Historic First, Rick Warren’s SBC Megachurch Ordains ‘Women Pastors’
- Major Catholic Theological Institute ‘Annuls’ Doctrines Opposing Homosexuality
- SBC President Continues to Promote Same-Sex Attraction ‘Christianity’
- Do We Have to Forgive Someone If They Don’t Repent?
- A Typical Beth Moore Study – Her Teaching Is Not Bible Teaching
- The Mainstreaming Of Neo-Gnosticism In Evangelicalism
- Tim Keller Says Biblical Moral Values Cannot Be Proven to Be True
- Beth Moore now in open rebellion to the Bible
- Birds of a Feather: Karen Swallow Prior Defends Beth Moore, Slanders the Church
- Significant Issues Portend Vigorous Debates At the 2021 PCA General Assembly: Will the PCA have ‘gay Christian’ pastors and other church officers or not?
- Why It’s Impossible For Christianity To Ever Endorse Transsexuality
- Gay ‘Pastor’ Says If You Think Homosexuality is a Sin, Then You Want All Homosexuals Killed
- Judgment is Here: Seventy Percent of Americans Support Same-Sex Marriage
- The Cult of Covidism Has Invaded the Church
- Have Christians Lost the Art of Biblical Discernment? (Reprise)
- New Book Examines John Piper’s Hedonism and Sam Alberry’s Homosexuality
- Gays Team Up With Beth Moore’s Daughter to Attack John MacArthur for Biblical View on Sexuality
- TGC And ERLC Can Stop Scamming Us. They Are ‘Revoicing’ LGBTQ Into The Church
- Leaving the PCA….the darkness of our world has taken hold of it
- Survey Finds Many Americans Look to Themselves, Others Rather Than Bible When Making Moral Decisions
- YouTube bans John Piper’s ‘Coronavirus and Christ’ audiobook for “violating community guidelines”
- Biblical infidelity in top evangelical institutions, leaders
- Teachings of the 2018 Revoice Conference may split the Presbyterian Church in America
- Walking away from truth
- Warning about ‘The Bible Project’
- John MacArthur decries division in evangelicalism, calls for unity on sound doctrine
- Jesus, the Prostitutes, and Transgender Outreach
- A Call to Separation
- Shepherds Dancing With Wolves
- Jen Hatmaker Says She Questioned Evangelical Faith Because Gay People Couldn’t Have Sex With Each Other
- SBC Professor Claims ‘Revoice’ Founders Have ‘Traditional, Biblical Sexual Ethic’
- Revisiting Revoice: Same-Sex Attraction in Sanctification
- Alice Bailey’s 10 Point Plan to Destroy Christianity
- No, God Did Not Speak to You Through, Dreams, Visions, Voices in Your Head, or Divine Impressions
- Gay Christianity and the Local Church
- If Your Church Truly Loved LGBTQ People, There Won’t Be Very Many of Them There
- An Assault upon Complementarianism Is an Assault upon the Bride of Christ
- The Spiritual Damage Caused By the Rebellion of Women Preachers in the Church
- Warfield: Paul’s ‘Prohibition of Speaking in the Church to Women is Precise, Absolute, and All-inclusive.’
- Beth Moore, John MacArthur, And Clobbering Girls In Football
- Satan’s Strategies for Temptation – Part 2
- Why are so many believers looking for more?
- Satan’s Strategies for Temptation
- A Response to ‘From Celibate Gay Poster Child to Future Gay Husband’
- How feminism treats heterosexuality as a problem
- The Curse of Liberalism
- Christian Rocker Posts Stunning Response to Recent Apostasy of Christian Leaders
- Homosexuals as PCA Elders?
- Beth Moore Has Departed The Faith to Embrace Homosexuality
- Has the PCA Become A De Facto ‘Side B’ Church?
- Beth Moore, Sam Allberry Promote Gay Activists, Calls Them “Brothers”
- The Woke Tools of the SBC: A Review of Resolution 9 on Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality
- Christian, you’re engulfed in an all-out spiritual battle. Are you prepared for it?
- Women Should Be Silent in the Church Assembly
- Female Pastors Are a Threat To The Church
- Oliver Thomas @USATODAY Says the American Church Got it Wrong on Gay People—And He’s Right
- If the Bible Is Wrong, I’m So, So Wrong
- Christian kids must slay wolves in sheep’s clothing, not pet them!
- When Should We Use the Bible?
- Don’t be Shocked When Many ‘Christians’ Cheer the Criminalization of Christianity
- Mayor Pete and the Crackup of Christianity
- Same-Sex Attraction, Biblical Christianity, and the Fractures in Our Evangelical Mist
- Have Christians lost the art of biblical discernment?
- Southern Baptists have a problem with God
- The Five Tests of False Doctrine
- 6 Ways Your Credibility is Crushed When You Defend a False Teacher
- Beware of the leader who wants to ‘rethink’ what the Bible says
- Andy Stanley: ‘Most Former Christians Still Have a Crush on Jesus’
- 4 Concerns About Jen Hatmaker’s Teaching
- The Hatmakers double down on “holy” homosexual “marriage”
- Why Pope’s Response to a Gay Man is Wrong, But in Line With Many Evangelicals
- Embracing Christ’s View of Scripture
- Does Jesus’ Reference to Eunuchs Affirm Transgender People?
- Who Will Go Into the ‘Furnace of Fire’ Jesus warned about? – Part 2
- Is the Bible’s treatment of homosexuality ‘complicated’?
- Defining Orthodoxy in Our Modern World
- Evangelical Coalition Releases Nashville Statement, A Manifesto On Biblical Sexuality
- Obedience: 8 Ways To Stop Making Excuses and Start Obeying Scripture
- With Blessing From TD Jakes, Chris Hill Says He’s Ready for Ministry 3 Months After Affair Scandal
- Jen Hatmaker: Yes, let’s remember who’s watching this conversation
- We Need Discernment Ministries? Yes Absolutely!
- Female Pastors- False Teachers or Just Sinning?
- David Gushee: Our ‘differences are unbridgeable’
- Marriage Doctrine Alone Disqualifies Pro-Gay Theology
- Basic Training: The Bible Is Our Authority
- Stop Calling Error ‘Anointed’
- Must We Believe the Virgin Birth?
- Bad Fruit, Diseased Trees, and the Authority of God’s Word
- For the Bible Tells Me So: Biblical Authority Denied … Again
- Transgender: Truth and Compassion
- Ask Not for Whom the Volcano Erupts; It Erupts for Thee: A Response to David Gushee
- World Vision, Christian organization? Part 1
- World Vision, Christian organization? Part 2
- A Reformation The Church Doesn’t Need: Answering Revisionist Pro-gay Theology
- Which Way, Evangelicals? There is Nowhere to Hide
- Andy Stanley Trashes Expository Preaching; Calls it “Easy” and “Cheating”
- Andy Stanley: even if you don’t believe that Jesus is the Son of God, you will have a better life by following his teachings
- Rethinking the Bible: a reassessment among some evangelicals
- Heaven is real, but ‘Heaven is for Real’ is really not
- A Culture of Counterfeit Christians
- Misrepresented by Leading Pastor – Ken Ham Responds to Tim Keller