How Should We Then Shift?: A Christian Response to Cultural Changes

“Important for the Christian response is that when God provides us with an opportunity, that we engage it, solidify what is worthy of preserving, and use these shifts to the glory of God and advance of His kingdom.” 

(Josh Howard – Clear Truth Media) The West is shifting, and fast. Our society, politics, and culture are in an ongoing state of flux that seems to have escalated. Some see progress to be celebrated, while others see collapse to be mourned (or combinations of the two). Yet either way, there is change afoot….

Some of these more recent shifts have reminded me of my former days in sociology when we would have spoken about paradigm shifts, though many of our current changes seem a bit more rapid and turbulent—a bit less like digging with a shovel and more like experimenting with TNT. In light of this, Christians may be mindful of several crucial points when navigating these cultural shifts. View article →


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