How 80s Movies Catechized a Generation, And What We Can Learn from Them

“Catechesis is about teaching the fundamentals of the faith. It is simple but not simplistic, thoughtful but not arcane, practical but not pragmatic. It focuses less on speculative aspects of theology or ‘hot topics’ and more on providing the basic categories in which Christianity is understood and lived. It provides us the grammar to speak to God and neighbor in a genuinely Christian way.”

(Keith Foskey – Clear Truth Media) I can usually tell how old someone is simply by throwing out a few references. For instance, when I say “88 miles per hour!”, “Freeze gopher!” or “I’ll be back” to a certain subset of adults, I don’t have to cite the references; they know all of them. And I always know I’ve met a friend when I use the word “plethora” and he asks me if I know what a plethora is.

But why have these phrases stuck with us? Is it just because they are iconic moments in film, like when Luke found out that Darth Vader was actually Anakin Skywalker? Or because they are as practical as Arnie saying “If it bleeds, we can kill it”? Or is there something more going on?

What if I told you that the 80s was the first time in history when people could choose to watch films over and over at their leisure because of the invention of a little thing called the Home Video Tape? View article →


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