How Unclean Spirits Destroy Civilizations

“Societal decay is the result of active, ongoing struggle against the truth, and this battle requires vigilance, discernment, and a steadfast commitment to upholding the principles that sustain a just and moral society. Christians must be prepared to engage in the hard work of defending and preserving the truth, even when it is unpopular or difficult. We must be willing to stand against the tide of societal change when it moves away from God’s standards and to do so with both wisdom and courage.”

(Owen Anderson – Clear Truth Media) Our culture is falling apart. Conservatives often lament this decay, observing that as moral standards erode, communities become increasingly licentious until they ultimately collapse and require reconstruction. The standard explanation for this phenomenon is that it’s challenging to preserve societal values, whereas succumbing to immorality, sloth, greed, corruption, sexual perversion, and other vices is relatively easy…

However, I propose a different explanation for societal decay, one that applies not only to societies founded on general revelation principles but also to explicitly Christian societies.

In Of Antichrist and His Ruin, John Bunyan discusses the fall of Babylon, but what he articulates can be applied to the downfall of any society and not just the end of Babylon as a type of the kingdom of darkness. Bunyan says that as long as Christians are in Babylon, it can be influenced for good, but also that by its nature it attracts unclean spirits, and thereby becomes the habitation for the vilest of the sons of men. View article →


Fight the spiritual forces of wickedness – and win! by Marsha West


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