Religious Pluralism: The Roman Catholic Church’s Last Ditch Effort to Undermine the Gospel

The pope wants us to believe that all these different religions are just “different languages” to arrive at God. This may sound poetic, but it’s pure nonsense. There are no “different languages” to God. There is one gospel—salvation by grace through faith in Christ alone. The apostle Paul wrote with the utmost urgency: “If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed” (Galatians 1:9).

(The Dissenter) Some Catholics call him “Papa,” and others call him the “holy father.” Yet, despite these terms of endearment for a man who sets himself up in the place of Christ, The Roman pope, who goes by Francis, continues the Catholic tradition of leading people down a path of spiritual compromise and confusion—and ultimately, to Hell.

In a recent visit to Singapore, he once again abandoned the exclusive claims of the gospel, this time suggesting that all religions are merely different “languages” leading to the same God. This statement, quoted in an article from Vatican News and further amplified on social media, reflects not only the pope’s growing embrace of religious pluralism but also the troubling trajectory of the Roman Catholic Church as a whole. View article →



Are You Praying to the Only True God? by Marsha West

Justification Through Faith Alone — by Zacharias Ursinus

Research: Roman Catholicism

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