“One of the most saddening things hurled out of Bethel is a vigorous “ministry” geared towards children,” states Bud Ahlheim. He’s speaking of the infamous Bethel Church in Redding, CA, pastored by New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) “Super Apostle” Bill Johnson. Ahlheim continues:
The effort is couched sufficiently in Christianese and slathered with enough of a “Jesus loves the little children” veneer that makes the endeavors seem noble, authentic, and upright. But the depth of false teaching behind the shiny, welcoming veneer is toxic to the true Christian faith and reveals an effort to indoctrinate children into the bootleg Bethel brand of unbiblical supernatural religion.
In this piece over at Pulpit & Pen, Ahlheim alerts us to the K-8 private school operated by Bethel, a so-called church that no discerning pastor would wish to emulate, that indoctrinates Redding youngsters into what Bud terms “voo-doo ‘Christianity.'” He begins with a quote by Charles H. Spurgeon:
Nothing short of the total destruction of a believer will ever satisfy our adversary. Satan would rend the believer in pieces, break his bones, and utterly destroy him if he could. Do not, therefore, indulge the thought that the main purpose of Satan is to make you miserable. Satan is pleased with that, but that is not his ultimate end. Sometimes he may even make you happy, for he has dainty poisons sweet to the taste that he administers to God’s people. If he feels that our destruction can be more readily achieved by sweets than by bitters, he certainly would prefer that which would best effect his end.