SBC Pastor Says Founders of Southern Baptist Seminary Were Not Saved, History Must be Eradicated

“He then calls on Mohler to remove all memorabilia of these men, such as James Pettigru Boyce, John Broadus, Basil Manly, and William Williams from the campus.”

(Jeff Maples – Reformation Charlotte)  Dwight McKissic, a racist, anti-gospel charismatic… black nationalist who masquerades as a shepherd of God’s people has done more to harm the body of Christ than possibly any other Southern Baptist pastor in history. McKissic, a Marxist and a socialist egalitarian, has regularly traded the gospel and the mission of the Church for social activism, called for slave reparations, and repeatedly maligned true defenders of the faith as “racists” and “white supremacists.”

Dwight McKissic is a notable proponent of Critical Race Theory, intersectionality, and identity politics, and expressed his gratitude for the leadership of FBC Naples last year for throwing their church members who voted against a black pastor under the bus and publicly charging them with racism. It turned out that the congregation simply did not want to introduce “woke” theology into their congregation and simply wanted the Scriptures to be rightly handled by their lead pastor.  View article →


Social Justice “Christianity” – Critical Race Theory & Intersectionality

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