Money Grubber Rod Parsley ‘Binds’ Austism, Aspergers and OCD’ in Favored Grift

(Protestia) Rod Parsley is the impastor of World Harvest Church and a noted Word of Faith televangelist. A NAR heretic who never met a bible verse he couldn’t twist, he is known for his constant money-grubbing, constantly cajoling the masses … Continue reading 

Furtick joins Rod Parsley’s 2017 NAR ‘Dominion Camp’

According to Berean Research, prophet-pastor Steven Furtick of the highly influential Elevation Church has been “full-on N.A.R. (New Apostolic Reformation) for years, and now he’ll be delivering this summer’s fresh anointing of apostolic covering at the annual [Dominion Camp Meeting] event.”  Furtick is … Continue reading 

Research: Word of Faith

Word of Faith, Health & Wealth, Prosperity Gospel The world’s fastest-growing false religion tells us that  our faith is a “force,” and the words we speak have the power to create something new. The Word of Faith proponents promise we … Continue reading