Ravi Zacharias Praises Word Faith Preacher Joyce Meyer

In this email exchange Apprising Ministries shares a response an AM reader tells me they received from RZIM concerning Zacharias’ appearance this week on Meyer’s program.

Based upon past responses I received from RZIM when Zacharias called apostate mystic Henri Nouwen a great Christian saint I have no reason whatsoever to doubt that it’s genuine. View article →

Apprising Ministries Exclusive: God Struck Down Malcolm Wicks For Opposing Todd Bentley?

Wicks is the man who led the opposition to Bentley’s scheduled appearance in the UK, originally scheduled for this past August, and which was subsequently banned.

This past September 29th Wicks would lose his battle with cancer. Todd Bentley and NAR “Apostle” Rick Joyner are now claiming that the Lord actually struck Wicks down for opposing Bentley’s “gospel” ministry.

In this piece Apprising Ministries has captured their outlandish claims right on video so you can see it for yourself. View article →

Apprising Ministries On The Sisterhood: Reality TV Embarrassing The Lord

Having been referred to in the article you’ll see in this new piece at Apprising Ministries, I take the opportunity to discuss further concerns with this new Reality TV that features rather flamboyant pastor’s wives.

Since at least one of them is also considered a pastor herself, I also show you why this issue is about to detonate within the mainstream of evangelicalism. View article →

Feeding Sheep Or Amusing Goats?

Apprising Ministries dusts off a classic, which speaks loudly to today’s Seeker Driven and Word Faith fueled evangelicalism.

Although attributed to Charles Spurgeon, it’s actually from one of his students, Archibald Brown. You’ll also find the link his sermon in the footnote of this piece. View article →

This Church Or A Game Show?

Please be advised that this is actually not satire. Via the Curator of the Museum Of Idolatry, Apprising Ministries asks that key question concerning the video clip of last Sunday’s service at Elevate Life in Frisco, TX. View article →