Apprising Ministries with further documentation and exclusive video showing that Word Faith heretics continue moving closer to mainstream acceptance in evangelicalism.
Author Archives: Ken Silva
Billy Graham Offers Prayer And Help To Mitt Romney
Gary Gilley: The Cost Of Discipleship By Dietrich Bonhoffer
By Gary Gilley, Southern View Chapel
Bonhoeffer, who died because of his principles in a Germany concentration camp in 1945, is one of the most frequently quoted individuals by evangelical leaders. This has always surprised me given the fact that Bonhoeffer was a Christian humanist with neo-orthodox leanings.
Nevertheless, I decided to read for myself this, his most well known book. Bonhoeffer’s greatest contribution to the Christian community is his teachings on what he calls “cheap grace.” “Cheap grace,” he writes, “means the justification of sin without the justification of the sinner” (p.46).
In a statement that would strike a great blow against easy-believism of our day he says, “Cheap grace is the preaching of forgiveness without requiring repentance, baptism without church discipline, Communion without confession, absolution without personal confession.
Cheap grace is grace without discipleship, grace without the cross, grace without Jesus Christ, living and incarnate” (p.47). To these thoughts, and the theology behind them, we say a hardy “amen.”
On the other hand, in addition to his humanistic and neo-orthodox tendencies mentioned above, The Cost of Discipleship clearly revealed other major problems. Most disturbing of which is his belief concerning sacramental regeneration.
Bonhoeffer takes the traditional Lutheran view that grace is dispensed through the sacraments of baptism (most often infant baptism) (pp. 254-262) and the Lord’s supper (pp. 263-276). In other words, it is through these means that one is born again.
Additionally he believes that a true Christian can lose his salvation (p. 329). These are grave errors that must be factored into any understanding of Bonhoeffer’s teachings. While Bonhoeffer supplies some thoughts worth considering, his false teachings are too many and too real to ignore.
Ken Silva published Dr. Gary Gilley’s article with his permission, October 11, 2012.
Beth Moore’s Illicit Tent Of Meeting Parts 1 & 2
Chris Rosebrough Looks At James MacDonald And The Elephant’s Debt
Interview With A Former Member Of Tim Keller’s Church
Elephant Room Curator James MacDonald And The Elephants Debt
C.J. Mahaney & Sovereign Grace Church Bring History, Controversy To New Louisville Launch
Ken Silva On Evangelicals And Mysticism
Rick Warren And Joel Osteen Speak For Oprah Winfrey
Word Faith Slithering Closer To Mainstream Evangelicalism
Are You Learning Not To Be Tossed To And Fro?
Beauty From Ashes
Brian McLaren Leads Ceremony At Son’s Same-Sex Wedding
Why Is Beth Moore’s Vision Concerning The Roman Catholic Church Demonic?
Beth Moore and Ken Silva Discuss her Demonic Vision
It’s well past time to more carefully examine the ministry of this wildly popular Southern Baptist Bible teacher/elder. Over at Apprising Ministries I walk you through my interaction on Twitter yesterday with Beth Moore concerning her false teaching, which she attributes to direct revelation from God, and sinful ecumenicism.
Joel Osteen And His Disciple Steven Furtick Reduce Christianity To Daily Affirmations With Stuart Smalley
Beth Moore And John Piper Set For Passion 2013 With Louis Giglio
As For Me And My Household, We Will Be Peculiar
The Important Leadership Of Mothers
The Seeker Driven and Word Faith hybrids talk a lot about their great leadership skills and how we all need to follow their pietistic mythology that if we aren’t doing “great” things for God we disappoint Him.
Apprising Ministries now brings you a devotion from Spurgeon concerning some real leaders.
Vertical Church Tour Of James MacDonald: Debrief Part 2
There Does Seem To Be More To The Resignation Of Dino Rizzo
Healing Place Pastor Dino Rizzo Resigns, Says God Moving HIm “Into A New Season”
Elephant Room Vet Steven Furtick excited to be on TBN’s Haven of Heretics Tonight
While giving you the details, Apprising Ministries asks the question, are James MacDonald and Mark Driscoll really ok with this?
And I also remind you that since his two appearances with them in ER 1 and 2 Steven Furtick has actually more openly moved away from orthodox Christianity and toward Word Faith prosperity preaching.