John MacArthur Calls Out the Word Faith Movement Cult

As this insipid cult of greed slithers deeper into the mainstream of the church visible because of its embrace by Seeker Driven celebrity pastors like Steven Furtick it becomes important for you to know what exactly it teaches beneath the surface.

So, Apprising Ministries brings you this excerpt of a John MacArthur sermon where he uncovers much of it for us. Paraphrasing the Apostle Paul, says MacArthur: You show me a person who preaches the money gospel, the money Message, the wealth message; I’ll show you a person who has been corrupted by the love of money. View article →

Time Is Short

Apprising Ministries brings you a sermon from Robert Murray M’Cheyne (1813-1843) on this critical topic. Regardless of our personal eschatological views, this much is clear: We are in the last days.

In fact, the Bible teaches that we have been for some 2,000 years now. Therefore, time is short for a number of areas of our lives, which ought to be of great concern to each of us. View article →

John Downey Responds to Rick Warren’s Twitter Swine Email

I continue my coverage of this sad situation where, in an email to his Saddleback staff, Southern Baptist megapastor Rick Warren decided to single out fellow Southern Baptist John Downey as an example of the wrong kind of person for his staff to follow.

Included in Warren’s orders was a reference to not casting Saddleback pearls before swine. As an SBC pastor myself I contacted John and he gave me permission to publish his reasoned response to Rick Warren at Apprising Ministries. View article →

John MacArthur Comments On Linking With NAR Heretics To Reclaim America

Apprising Ministries alerts you that this idea of reclaiming America will very likely become more and more of a hot topic this year. Take for example, the popularity of The Harbinger.

Along this line, I bring you this exclusive audio clip from the 20 June 2012 Worldview Weekend program with Brannon Howse who asks MacArthur about hooking up with heretics towards this cause. View article →

Send The Best

There are those in the Southern Baptist Convention right now who are once again trying to paint Calvinists as being not being missions oriented.

Apprising Ministries shows you courtesy of this Charles Spurgeon devote onal teaching that it’s just not so.  View article →

WF Pastrix Paula White: As Paul Is To Timothy, So T.D. Jakes Is To Me

Apprising Ministries shows you in this well-researched piece just why it is that Paula White’s doctrine directly reflects back upon T.D. Jakes.

Using exclusive video clips you’ll also be able to watch each of them in action. You’ll see for yourself that she’s every bit a WF prosperity snake oil salesman just the same as she was taught by her “spiritual father” T.D. Jakes. View article →