About Marsha West

Marsha West is the owner and managing editor of Christian Research Network, Apprising Ministries (the late Ken Silva’s blog) and On Solid Rock Resources. She is also co-founder of Berean Research. For two decades Marsha was the owner and managing editor of Email Brigade website as well as the EMB News Report, a bi-weekly email report for conservative people of faith. For many years Marsha was a regular contributor to several blogs including CRN, RenewAmerica, News With Views and Web Commantary as well as popular websites she no longer endorses: American Family Association, Worldview Weekend, Stand Up For The Truth, The Christian Post and Christian Headlines. Although Marsha still blogs, her primary focus is CRN. Marsha also writes Research Papers (White Papers) on various topics that are published on CRN, Berean Research and On Solid Rock Resources. Visit Marsha’s other sites: On Solid Rock Resources https://www.onsolidrockresources.com/ Apprising Ministries http://apprising.org Marsha’s RenewAmerica Column http://renewamerica.com/columns/mwest Marsha’s Facebook Page http://facebook.com/marsha.west.77

Heretic Alert! Charismatic Leader Prophesied ‘Favor’ and ‘Supernatural Houses’ For Maui Church, Months Before They All Burned Down

“It is actually part of the word of the Lord that God has given me for Kings and for you. You’re gonna be very excited what the Holy Spirit is saying. By the way I prophesied over Pastor Jireh (Urmeneta) that he’s going to get a new house already and that God is going to give him supernatural financing. So you mark it down, it’s gonna happen.”

(Protestia) In late October 2022, New Apostolic Reformation prophetess Cindy Jacobs preached at King’s Cathedral Church in Maui, where she prophesied that the pastor and congregants would receive ‘supernatural favor’ in the form of ‘supernatural houses’ and that the testimonials from folks in this church receiving new houses as a result of this favor and blessing ‘would ring out across the world.’ Continue reading

Here You Go—Lefties Hit With RICO Charges by Georgia AG

“It’s beyond satisfying to see the little proggies caterwauling about the RICO statute being used to go after people not named Donald Trump. The complete lack of awareness is classic leftist.”

(Stephen Kruiser – PJ Media) One of the enduring lessons of history is that so many people fail to learn any lessons from history. This is especially true when it comes to leftists and socialism, communism, fascism, and any other heavy-handed “ism” they can come up with.

As the Democrats have lurched ever leftward, they have gleefully cheered on the oppression of the rights of any American who disagrees with them politically. This has reached disturbing proportions under the Biden administration, which has weaponized the entire Executive Branch and focused it on attacking pretty much anyone who has ever voted Republican. Continue reading

Silly Putty Bible Study

“The Holy Spirit did not mean one thing when Paul wrote to the church at Ephesus and then something entirely different when we read it 2,000 years later. There are no private messages in the Bible.”

(Greg Koukl) 21st-century kids have cell phones, YouTube, and Xboxes. When I was a kid, we had simpler delights. One was a handful of malleable goo that could be pulled, twisted, or distorted into any shape imaginable. It was called Silly Putty®.

Sadly, many Christians use their Bibles like Silly Putty®. Just add the Spirit, and the Bible becomes putty in their hands, able to be molded into almost anything at all…. Continue reading

While Vets Wait for Care, VA Spends Millions on Transgenderism

“Rather than fighting our enemies and healing our troops, the military health care system for both active duty personnel and veterans had been warped into serving woke sexual identity politics.”

(Daniel Greenfield – Frontline Magazine) The Veterans Affairs scandals that disgraced the Obama administration never went away. Instead the VA has stonewalled groups like Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) who have been seeking information about wait times for veterans. It’s not that the VA doesn’t have the money to treat vets, but that the money continues to be wasted on radical woke agendas. Continue reading

Dr. Fauci Knows Masks Don’t Work- Wear Them Anyway

“Fauci did a lot of damage pushing the masks, basically forcing mandates even though he claims they only recommend. They recommended knowing they’d become mandates.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Dr. Fauci’s back to telling people to wear masks based on his opinion. He claims the evidence at the population level isn’t strong, but doesn’t cite any evidence they work at all. He never does.

The masks caused a lot of harm, and he’s largely responsible for it.

Watch the video on the site. Continue reading

Jesus Calling Author, Sarah Young Now Knows Who Was Really Calling, and It Wasn’t Jesus

“The theological deviations in Jesus Calling are not minor nuances, but major aberrations that alter the core message of Christianity. The Gospel is a narrative of cosmic redemption, a narrative rooted in the unconditional sovereignty of God, the total depravity of man, and the unmerited grace extended through Jesus Christ. Young’s book instead pushes for a personalized, therapeutic form of spirituality that is man-centered rather than God-centered. This is not merely a different interpretation—it’s a grave theological error with severe consequences.”

(The Dissenter) Upon hearing of the passing of Sarah Young last week, I made a decision to wait a few days before commenting on the tragic reality. Not because I believed I had to, but rather so these words would not get lost in the news cycle. I also know how people are in these situations and many would refuse to heed the words of warning because of some ingrained, albeit erroneous belief that there must be a waiting period between the death of an apostate and speaking the truth. Last Thursday night, Sarah Young, author of the infamous Jesus Calling series, passed away of cancer at 77—Sarah Young was an apostate. Continue reading

Federal Court Drops Hammer on FDA for Pushing False Anti-Ivermectin Narrative on Social Media

“The FDA falsely claimed that ivermectin is a medicine for horses and told the American people not to use it for treating symptoms of the coronavirus.”

(David Linfield – Slay News) A U.S. federal court has ruled that Democrat President Joe Biden’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) overstepped its authority by promoting a false narrative on social media about the use of ivermectin against COVID-19.

U.S. Circuit Judge Don Willett, a President Donald Trump appointee, ruled against the FDA for telling Americans to “stop” using ivermectin to treat Covid. Continue reading

As Biden scandal marches toward impeachment, what Obama knew and when looms large

“None of this could have happened without his active knowledge. It’s just not possible. So what you have is Obama weaponizing the Justice Department, breaking down the rule of law, establishing a defense for any left winger who wants to be corrupt, and at the same time, using the government to launch attacks on Donald Trump, because they’re so frightened of him.”

(John Solomon – Just the News) In the final days of the Obama presidency, trusted aide Valerie Jarrett made a boast that has aged like spoiled milk. “The president prides himself on the fact that his administration hasn’t had a scandal and he hasn’t done something to embarrass himself,” Jarrett declared on national television. Continue reading

Christian Journaling, Mystical Spirituality, and New Revelations from God?

(Chris Lawson – Spirit Journaling) Spiritual Journaling, spirit journaling, Christian Journaling, and newfound daily devotional “revelations” have become excessively popular. Many people claim receiving direct spirit revelations from God, and others, messages from Jesus Himself. Others claim to receive prompts from the Holy Spirit through Christian Journaling, which many are not from God. Some famous Christian authors even give no scriptural warnings as they teach people how to listen for “messages from God.” These practices can be spiritually hazardous!…. Continue reading

1,609 Global Scientists Rightfully Debunk Climate Hysteria

(Larry Bell – Newsmax) Any claim of a consensus that “science is settled” regarding the existence of a dire climate crisis emergency caused by carbon dioxide is a deceptive, destructive, and costly fraud.

A “World Climate Declaration” made public by the non-profit scientific Global Climate Intelligence Group (CLINTEL) in August endorsed by 1,609 informed scientists and professionals — including two Nobel Laureates, John Clauser (USA) and Ivar Giaever (Norway/USA) — clearly says otherwise. Continue reading

Bible Verses Prosperity Gospel Preachers Ignore

“If Christians would stop financially supporting rich televangelists and pastors living extravagantly, there would be less poverty and Christianity would have more credibility in a broken world.”

(Barry Bowen – Trinity Foundation) The prosperity gospel has created a distorted view of what the Bible teaches about money, resulting in many church goers being misled to believe that God wants His people to be financially wealthy. Continue reading

Biden to Send Maui Less than One-Tenth of One Percent of What He Wants to Send Ukraine

(Kristina Wong – Breitbart) President Joe Biden is asking Congress to approve $24 billion more in aid for Ukraine, which would bring the total amount of U.S. taxpayer-funded aid to Ukraine since February 2022 to $135 billion.

In contrast, Biden announced Wednesday that he would send $95 million from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to aid in rebuilding Maui after the nation’s deadliest fire in over a century, which has claimed more than 115 lives, with hundreds still unaccounted for. Continue reading

Biblical Patriarchy and Female Christian Creators

“Dale Partridge and Eric Conn are the two most responsible for this debate which previously hadn’t taken place with Brian Sauve and Joel Webbon strapped to the issue via close association. Dale Partridge has recently been discredited, and most would argue disqualified from ministry after he was found to be lying about his educational credentials while trying to launch a seminary.” 

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Horse) In the past several months there’s been a debate among patriarchal Christians about the roles of women pertaining to Christian media spaces. There are several avenues in which this line of thinking goes…. Continue reading

From One Unapologetic Media Hoax to the Next

“For the last eight years, a discredited media has never expressed remorse for any of the damage they did to the country. And they will not again, when their latest mythological indictments are eventually exposed.”

(Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) Joe Biden lied repeatedly when he claimed he knew nothing of his son Hunter’s influence-peddling businesses.

The President further prevaricated that he had no involvement in Hunter’s various shake down schemes.

Yet, the media continued to misinform by serially ignoring these facts. Continue reading

Terrifying: ‘We Are Speeding Towards Assassination’

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Adam Corolla asked Tucker Carlson during an interview “…are they going to let Trump be president?”

“No, look…they protested him.. .they called him names. He won anyway. They impeached him twice on ridiculous pretenses… they fabricated a lot about what happened on January 6th in order to impeach him again. It didn’t work. He came back. Then they indicted him. It didn’t work. He became more popular. Then they indicted him three more times and every single time his popularity rose. Continue reading

Imam Stands in Pulpit at Beth Moore’s Church and Preaches From the Koran

“Beth Moore’s church has now invited a Muslim Imam to come deliver a sermon and offer a prayer of worship in front of the church. This Imam came and took the pulpit…” 

(The Dissenter) Beth Moore, when she apostatized a few years ago and left a somewhat biblical denomination for a completely apostate denomination, made it clear that her intentions were to continue to rebel against God by performing the function and role of a pastor, which the Scriptures reserve for men. Continue reading

The next phase of Obama’s ‘permanent revolution’

“When Trump supporters in effect endorse Obama’s “Permanent Revolution” by smoking pot in front of the cameras, you know the legacy of our first Marxist president has had a lasting impact. It remains to be seen whether Obama’s revolution can be stopped in its tracks now that acceptance of mind-altering drugs is affecting Trump supporters who should know better.”

(Cliff Kincaid – RenewAmerica) Back in 2008, Trevor Loudon and I exposed the Marxist roots of Barack Hussein Obama, including his relationship with Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis. We released this information before he was elected to his first term. My group America’s Survival then published three books on Obama. Fifteen years later, it is starting to dawn on some people that Obama was indeed a Marxist. Consider Jamie Glazov’s new bookBarack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America. Continue reading

‘Pastors4Trump’ Speaker Emphatically Declares ‘God is Not in Control’ At ReAwaken American Event

(Protestia) At a recent ReAwaken American event in Las Vegas this past week, Rev. Marty Grisham, demonstrating his lack of theological knowledge and understanding of God’s sovereignty, repeatedly declares that “God is not in control” of the nation in light of evils being perpetuated within it, but rather we are.

The ReAwaken America tour is a cross-counting trek that fuses right-wing and far-right-wing politics and Charismatic Christianity in frequently uncomfortable ways. Hosted primarily by churches, the event comprises of speakers touting conservative values and enduring Donald Trump love, merged with theologically disreputable charismatics prophesying Trump is going to win another term and then lock up his political opponents, all with the occasional conspiracy theory or QAnon reference thrown in for good measure. Continue reading

Debunking Leftist Myths About Jesus – Jesus Was a Universalist

“In Matthew 7:21-23, [Jesus] warns that not everyone who calls Him ‘Lord’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only those who do the will of His Father.”

(The Dissenter) In this ongoing series, we continue to strip away the veneer of faux spirituality to expose the rotting core of myths that have led many astray in their understanding of Christ and His teachings. These fabrications are not harmless misunderstandings—they are perverse distortions designed primarily to accommodate secular progressive ideologies. Continue reading

Researchers warn about synthetic opioids more powerful than fentanyl

(Brett Rowland – Just the News) Synthetic opioids estimated to be 10 times more potent than fentanyl are creeping into the illicit drug market in the U.S., according to new research.

“Synthetic opioids, such as the fentanyl analog and nitazene drug class, are among the fastest growing types of opioids being detected in patients in the emergency department with illicit opioid overdose,” researchers warned in a paper published Tuesday in JAMA Network Open. Continue reading

Disney+ Cancels Woke ‘Doogie Howser’ Reboot, Won’t Air Completed ‘Spiderwick’ and ‘20,000 Leagues’ Shows

(Breitbart) The Disney+ streaming service is cutting three series as part of the studio’s continued efforts to rein in its profligate spending, with woke, multi-racial reboots of Doogie Howser, M.D. and 20,000 Leagues under the Sea among the titles on the chopping block.

In a sign of how drastic the cuts are, the 20,000 Leagues reboot, titled Nautilus, was canceled before it even debuted — as was an upcoming series based on The Spiderwick Chronicles. Both shows had already completed production, according to a Deadline report. Continue reading

Wokism: The New Pagan Morality

[U]niversity administrators… deliberately intend to undermine a student’s ability to engage in classical academic thinking and to inculcate in them a serious case of “religious” guilt. Ridgley seeks to show “how one of history’s great institutions—the American university—is undergoing an infiltration by an ‘army of mediocrities’ whose goal is to destroy the university as an institution of knowledge-creation and replace it as an authoritarian organ of ideology and propaganda.”

(Peter Jones – TruthXchange) Many sociologists now speak about the arrival of the post-Christian era in both America and the West in general. Way back in 1976, Newsweek Magazine spoke of “the year of the evangelical.” But church attendance is down in America. Young people abandon any semblance of their childhood faith as soon as they set foot in a university. This is a great concern in our churches. The Wall Street Journal recently published an analysis of national sentiment over the past 25 years on: Continue reading

Why Young Americans Are Not Taught About Evil

“This is why young people know almost nothing about evil. The Left doesn’t want them to know about it. Because knowledge of evil inevitably leads directly to rejection of the Left.”

(Dennis Prager – Real Clear Politics) Most of our schools teach almost nothing of importance, and nothing is more important than the study of good and evil. In the United States today, nearly all schools, from elementary through graduate, concentrate on teaching about racism, sexism, preferred pronouns, homophobia, transphobia, LGBTQIA+, climate change, diversity, equity, inclusiveness and white guilt. In other words, most of our educational institutions, including the most prestigious, do not educate.

Here are a few proofs. Continue reading

National Archives Has About 5,400 Emails, Records Linked to Joe Biden’s Email Aliases

(Wendell Husebo – Breitbart) The National Archives (NARA) possesses about 5,400 emails and records linked to President Joe Biden’s email aliases, the House Oversight Committee revealed Monday evening.

The email aliases — “Robert Peters,” “Robin Ware,” and “JRB Ware” — were used to share government information and discuss business with Hunter Biden and associates, according to the Southeastern Legal Foundation, which filed a lawsuit to compel the agency to turn over the emails. Continue reading