14 Wherefore, beloved, these things awaiting, be diligent, spotless and unblemished 15 found with him in peace, consider the longsuffering of our Lord as salvation, as our beloved brother Paul also wrote to you 16 according to the wisdom given to him, as also in all his letters, speaking in them concerning these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist as they also do the other Scriptures to their own destruction. 2 Peter 3:14-16 (translated from the NA28 Greek text)
Carefully read the passage I placed at the top of this post my brethren. If you prefer, read 2 Peter 3:14-16 from your own preferred translation. If you do, go ahead and read 2 Peter 3 to keep it in context. What is it? As believers, we are called to remain faithful understanding fully that the Day of the Lord will surely come…. Continue reading