Yo, Adrian!: Trump IV

“Former Trump Chief of Staff John Kelly absolutely betrayed the President, but Kelly has no constituency, and neither does Michael Cohen, John Bolton, Anthony Scaramucci, and a few others once close to Trump.  They are now wanderers, occasionally used by anti-Trump media in meaningless expositions.”

(Bill O’Reilly) Let’s call this movie “Trumpy IV.” Contender wins 2016 presidential election against all odds, loses rematch, trains incessantly to return, knocks out his opponent four years later.

Somewhere, James Brown is singing “Living in America.” Continue reading

Heading for Bankruptcy, Pope Removes Offensive Swaddling Cloth

(Mary Dowling) Pope Francis politicized Christmas with a nativity scene showing Baby Jesus in a keffiyeh, the symbol of protest for pro-Palestinian mobs. Two Palestinian artists created the scene. It is also well-known that Palestinians continually demand Jesus be recognized as Palestinian and not Jewish, which is an inaccurate historical claim. It is also considered antisemitic. After backlash, the keffiyeh was ditched the next day.

The scarf became infamous with the late terrorist Yasser Arafat. It is synonymous with the headgear worn by Islamic terrorists and antisemitic mobs screaming “from the river to the sea.”

He prayed before it. Continue reading

How The Chosen Gets Judas Wrong

“By portraying Judas as a misguided individual rather than a figure driven by deeper motivations, the series has inadvertently diluted the gravity of his betrayal and its divine purpose.” 

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) The Chosen set out to depict the life and ministry of Christ and his disciples in a television series. The creative license necessary for the series was going to initiate controversy, but the actual results have been a series that is not a faithful adaptation of Scripture, nor quality entertainment. The fifth season is set to debut next year, depicting Holy Week. In promotional material, The Chosen has showcased its misunderstanding of Judas, the betrayer of Christ. Continue reading

The Trump 47 Reckoning Is Hitting the Dems From All Sides Now

“The work that they did in July and August to make up a Kamala Harris who never existed was stunning. The fictions that they spun had no foundations in reality, which is why they are all falling apart so quickly. Perhaps themoc MSM propagandists are finally collapsing from the exhaustion of propping up Biden and Harris for four years.” 

(Stephen Kruiser – PJ Media) Once again, it’s extraordinary how different the mood is as President-elect Donald Trump is preparing for his second stint in the Oval Office. Continue reading

Canada: Trudeau’s Stumbling Government Appears on Verge of Collapse

(John Hayward – Breitbart) Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who has been fending off no-confidence votes and calls for his resignation for months, found his position increasingly perilous on Monday following the resignation of his deputy prime minister and minister of finance, Chrystia Freeland.

Freeland, long seen as one of Trudeau’s most stalwart supporters, shocked the Canadian political scene by abruptly resigning on Monday. She said Trudeau wanted her to give up her post as finance minister and accept another Cabinet position, but she felt resigning completely was the only “honest and viable path” she could take. Continue reading


3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, 4 just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him in love, 5 by predestining us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, 6 to the praise of the glory of His grace, which He graciously bestowed on us in the Beloved. 7 In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our transgressions, according to the riches of His grace 8 which He caused to abound to us in all wisdom and insight, 9 making known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Him 10 for an administration of the fullness of the times, that is, the summing up of all things in Christ, things in the heavens and things on the earth in Him. Ephesians 1:3-14 (LSB) Read verses 11-14, also Romans 8:29-30 on the site. Continue reading

Beloved deception: ‘God Calling’ spiritually influenced ‘Jesus Calling’ and Alcoholics Anonymous

(John Lanagan – The Word Like Fire) Two books, and the 12 Step movement. Beloved by many in the church, yet utterly deceptive. Are the three connected in some way?

…so that no advantage would be taken of us by Satan, for we are not ignorant of his schemes. 2 Corinthians 2:11

Warren B. Smith notes that God Calling is “the channeled book that inspired Sarah Young to try and receive her own personal messages from Jesus.” [1] Sarah Young’s Jesus Calling is an immensely popular book, through which a false, contemplative “Christ” continues to spread. Continue reading

Christmas Song Review: Yes, Mary Did Know

“When we sing songs in church, we’re not just making music—we’re teaching, worshiping, and proclaiming truth. What we sing matters. And if we don’t take the time to weigh the words of a song against the Word of God, we risk confusing emotion with truth.”

(The Dissenter) The Christmas season has a way of draping everything in nostalgia. Familiar carols, the warm glow of lights, and the cozy rituals of family traditions tend to stir something deep within us. But more often than not, I hear a song that makes me stop and think—sometimes not for the reasons the songwriter intended. Continue reading

The Marxism in Front of You That You Can’t Unsee – Black Lives Shattered

“How did political leaders not see the carnage BLM was causing? How could big business support this? They saw it and embraced it. Here is why. In 1963, Rep. Albert Herlong (D-Fla.) entered into Congress the 45 Goals of Communism to be achieved in the U.S.A. These goals read like a road map for the carnage caused in 2019-2020.”

(Kevin Downey JR – PJ Media) I remember reading in 2019 that then-New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, working with then-New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio, who hated one another, decided it was a good idea to empty the prisons because there were “too many black men in prison” due to “systemic racism.” This struck me as a horrible idea, yet other left-leaning cities and states soon followed suit. Continue reading

Hegseth Flip Flops on Women in Combat, Gays in Military

(Sam Barron – Newsmax) Pete Hegseth, President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee to be secretary of defense, is now open to women serving in combat and gays in the military.

Hegseth’s reversals come as he attempts to win support from Republican senators amid allegations of alcoholism, financial mismanagement, and sexual misconduct, claims he has denied.

He previously called allowing gays and transgender people to serve in the military part of a “Marxist” agenda but said Thursday he thought gays should serve in the military, Politico reported. Continue reading

The Joy of the Resurrection is found in being a living sacrifice

22 “And therefore, you now have grief, but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice and no one takes your joy from you.” John 16:22 (translated from the NA28 Greek text)

According to my stats page, What is Joy?, is by far my most popular post. It was also one of the first ones I wrote when I started this ministry in 2006 and its focus has been the focus I have attempted to maintain since I started, which is the edification of the Body of Christ by pointing all to the true source of our joy instead of what the world attempts to sell us as a replacement, which is just temporal happiness…. Continue reading

Conservative Inc Defends Caitlin Clark’s Wokeness

“In going woke, Clark sells out her conservative supporters as bad actors. Conservative media correctly noticed what Clark was doing here. Jason Whitlock said of Clark that she sold out her fans. Megyn Kelly said of Clark that she “apologized for being White.” Yet the signs of Clarks liberalism were obvious if people would have eyes to see.”

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) The Time Magazine feature on Caitlin Clark has many Americans coming to grips with Caitlin Clark being another woke liberal. After years of astroturfing women’s basketball, Caitlin Clark emerged as a marketable figure to boost American interest in the sport…. Continue reading

Lame duck Biden’s clemency acts free an embezzler, corrupt officials, perverts, and fraudsters

“Among the roughly 1,500 people granted clemency by the outgoing President Biden were several corrupt local officials, fraudsters, and a crooked judge. Biden also commuted the sentence of a Chinese spy convicted of possessing child pornography.”

(Steven Richards – Just the News) President Joe Biden’s pardon and commutation spree this week included granting indulgences for convicted fraudsters and corrupt public officials, a move that will likely sharpen criticism of the outgoing executive’s use of the constitutional power. Continue reading

End of the Line for Nancy Pelosi: Hip Fractures, Mortality Rates, and Father Time

“…grip-strength has been hailed as “an indispensable biomarker for older adults”: it’s not that having strong hands is the secret to a long and healthy life, but that people with strong hands are less likely to slip and fall. Plus, they’re probably stronger overall.”

(Scott Pinsker – PJ Media) The good news is, she’s a wealthy, politically-connected woman. All three matter: when you’re wealthy, you have more options; when you’re politically-connected, you don’t wait in line; and women are way better at longevity than men are. Continue reading

Children of God Abide in Christ

4 Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. 5 I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. 6 If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown away as a branch and dries up; and they gather them, and cast them into the fire and they are burned. John 15:4-6 (NASB) 

Carefully read the passage I placed at the top of this post. The word “abide” is translated from the Greek word μενη. It and its forms such as μεινατε and μενητε are used in the Bible to refer to the subject of the sentence remaining or staying in the emphasized condition it is in…. Continue reading

Do You Desire Repentance or Revenge?

(Jared Moore – Clear Truth Media) In the book of Jonah, we learn of the prophet who fled from God’s command to preach to Nineveh, Israel’s archenemy at the time. God told Jonah to preach of His coming wrath towards Nineveh. But Jonah ran away to Tashish instead. He was later swallowed by a great fish sent by God, vomited up on the shore, and then he went to Nineveh in obedience to God. There, he preached, “Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown” (Jonah 3:4)! Nineveh responded by repenting and calling out for God’s mercy (Jonah 3:6-10). Therefore, God showed them mercy and spared them. Continue reading

John Stossel Blows the Lid Off the Scam That Is Recycling

“So why does it continue despite experts admitting the recycling they’re demanding is doing more harm than good? It’s because the propaganda worked. People have it fixed in their minds that recycling is everything we’ve been taught, and that every time we do recycle, we’re saving the planet….” 

(Brandon Morse – Red State) John Stossel is back to ruin your preconceived notions of things with some very inconvenient truths. In this case, these truths are going to be very inconvenient to the environmentalist crowd who thinks recycling is actually benefiting us as much as they think. Continue reading

NJ Mayor: Drones Should Be Taken Down, There’s Refusal to Do So Even When They Go Out to Sea

(Breitbart – Ian Hanchett) On Thursday’s broadcast of CNN’s “OutFront,” Belleville, NJ Mayor Michael Melham stated that the drones around the state have to be taken down and stated that there were briefings “that we’ve had Coast Guard working with our New Jersey State Police, our helicopters have seen them. We asked, well, when they go out to sea, are we going to shoot them down?” And they were told the drones wouldn’t be taken down due to fears of what might be on them.

While discussing the briefing they had with the state, [relevant remarks begin around 37:25] Melham stated, “These drones have to come out of the air…. Continue reading

How ‘Side B’ Ministries Hi-Jack the Great Commission

(Mike Solecki – TruthScript) If you’re not familiar with Side “B” ministries let me sum them up in a nutshell. Side “B” ministries are deceptive parachurch organizations that purport to help the church minister more effectively to those who identify as LBGTQ+ and provide guidance for Christian families who have kids identifying as such. They claim to do this without ever compromising Christian orthodoxy, but this notion is untenable because these ministries promote the idea that same-sex attraction is not a morally culpable sin. Therefore it is perfectly acceptable to be a Gay-Christian as long as you stay celibate, ostensibly…. Continue reading

President-Elect: Trump Dynasty a Possibility

(Charlie McCarthy – Newsmax) President-elect Donald Trump prefers not to call his election victory “a comeback,” and said his second White House term could lead to a “Trump dynasty.”

Trump, named Time’s 2024 Person of the Year on Thursday, recently met with magazine staff members for an exclusive wide-ranging interview, which included questions about his winning campaign.

“I don’t view it as a comeback,” Trump said. “I know it’s considered that. I should allow it to be that, and I will allow it to be that…. Continue reading

CNN: Daniel Penny Is the Same as the Cold-Blooded CEO Killer

Watch the videos: CNN host wrongly compares Daniel Penny to Luigi Mangione and asks, “Which vigilante action is okay?”

(Mary Dowling) CNN’s panel compared Daniel Penny and Luigi Mangione, drawing an equivalence between them. To the random talking heads CNN digs up, Penny and Mangione are the same.

Without mentioning his name, the woman hosting the panel said Penny decided Neely didn’t deserve to live.

In actuality, Daniel Penny was trying to save people on a train from the dangerous, violent Jordan Neely…. Continue reading

Sen. Kennedy Humiliates General Who Called Trump Supporters ‘Fascists’

Watch the 2nd video where Sen. Kennedy takes down General Manner.

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) Sen. John Kennedy’s exchange with Retired Army Maj. Gen. Randy Manner during a recent Senate hearing was nothing short of epic. Kennedy, a master of political discourse, delivered a blistering takedown of Manner’s past comments on President Trump and his supporters during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Tuesday. Manner was testifying about the incoming administration’s plans for mass deportations of criminal illegal aliens. Continue reading

The Bonhoeffer Movie Was A Flop

“It is a welcomed surprise that a movie lionizing a heretic would flop so hard. It was an unexpected win against the Post-War Consensus and its grip on the church. It may also show that our culture is fatigued by WWII movies, or that people are learning the truth of Bonhoeffer and are exercising discernment.”

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Dietrich Bonhoeffer is the martyr of the Post-War Consensus and 20th-century liberalism’s syncretism with the church. Despite being a theological liberal who denied the Apostle’s Creed, Bonhoeffer has become more myth than man. Indeed he was not a liberal pastor on the outskirts of a liberal German denomination…. Continue reading

Unbiblical Ideas About Angels


By Marsha West 

Christian Research Network – first published in 2007. 

“For centuries, angels were seen as messengers for a holy God. Today, they seem to be all-forgiving therapists.” –Terry Maddingly

‘Tis the season of angels! At Christmastime angels are brought to our attention more than any other time of the year. Angel objects are everywhere you look, and they come in just about every shape and size imaginable. Manufacturers offer angel ornaments, cards, fine art, books, jewelry, figurines, cologne, undergarments, sleepwear, body wash and makeup. On one website I found a whole host of angel pins that includes a military and patriotic angel that proudly waves the American flag. Continue reading

Abiding in Christ with Cheerful Endurance

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-2 (ESV)

The US agencies responsible for detecting counterfeit currency do not train their agents by having them study fake money. No, they train them by having them study genuine currency. They become intimately familiar with the genuine article so that when they encounter the counterfeit they have no trouble “judging” that it is not genuine…. Continue reading