Jonathan Turley: ‘What we now know, quite frankly, is that the President has been lying.’

There are several videos in this piece that are helpful in understanding the Biden family influence peddling that Hunter’s business associate Devon Archer exposed. Jonathan Turley and Jesse Watters nail it — Jesse lays out all the facts in a clear concise way. The videos are short. Here’s Whatfinger’s report:

Mollie Hemingway and Miranda Devine discuss Devon Archer confirming President Joe Biden participated in over twenty calls about his son’s foreign business dealings. “We have Devon Archer saying that Burisma executives asked Hunter Biden to help them get the prosecutor who was going after them fired. We know that five days later, Joe Biden was speaking in front of the Ukrainian parliament, laying the groundwork to get this guy fired. And then as you showed, he bragged about getting it done within just a few short months. This teaches us so much about how the Biden family business worked for foreign oligarchs. Continue reading

Transvestite Tops iTunes ‘Christian’ Music Charts, Rivaling Elevation Music, Lauren Daigle

(The Dissenter) If you want to know just how low we’ve gone not only as a nation, but just how irrelevant we’ve collectively become as the Church, look no further than what passes as “Christian” music in the worship music industry.

You may remember the ever-popular “Christian” rock band from the late ’90s and early ‘2000s, Caedmon’s Call, which featured popular singers such as Doug Elmore, Cari Harris Moore, and Derek Webb…. Continue reading

How To Create Conspiracy Theories

(Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) It is easy to birth conspiracy theories. All that is required is chronic government stonewalling of reasonable requests for transparency. Then add in high officials serially lying under oath, along with the blatantly unequal application of the law. Institutionalize arguments from authority of politicians and bureaucrats who refuse to adjudicate arguments empirically.

Include the weaponization of investigatory and intelligence bureaucracies. Finish with the transformation of an obsequious media into a mouthpiece of the state. And presto, you end up with a skeptical, cynical public that learns to believe the very opposite from what it is told by elites. Continue reading

Radical Elitist Nicole Schwab Talks Casually of Coming Lockdowns

“These globalists are totalitarian at their core; they are unelected, self-appointed radicals who are going to make the population of Earth, excluding the elites, obey their will. It’s the reason for the global taxes, CBDCs, banks, wars, war on fossil fuels, and sustainable goals.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) The globalists are planning worldwide lockdowns to save the planet based on their error-filled, computer-generated predictions that have a history of failure.

Klaus Schwab’s daughter, Nicole Schwab, claims our system is not sustainable, and it is an opportunity for The Great Reset…. Continue reading

Avoid Such People

When reading through 2 Timothy with some folk a few weeks back, I got a number of questions about some of Paul’s instructions that seemed very strange to my fellow readers.

There are a number of people that Paul seems to not want Timothy to associate with. He lists some individuals but then at the start of chapter 3 describes a long list of character traits before saying ‘avoid such people’ in verse 5.

The question as people framed it was ‘why should we not associate with them, surely we want them to hear the gospel?’ Continue reading

CIA has a well-documented history of planting fake ‘UFO stories’ when they want to distract the public…

(Revolver) On the day that Hunter Biden was scheduled to go to court, the U.S. government conveniently decided to hold a big congressional extravaganza on UFOs, complete with sketchy “whistleblowers” who claim the government is hiding dead aliens.

Of course, many folks on the right saw this as nothing more than a coordinated distraction maneuver, similar to how they “re-arrest” President Trump every time Joe has a scandal pop up. Although, overall, the feeling from a lot of Americans was rather “meh.” Continue reading

‘Absolute Madness!’ 1 in 35 Had Heart Damage After Moderna Jab

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) A new peer-reviewed study from Switzerland found that one out of 35 showed signs of heart damage after receiving the Moderna vaccine.

The European Journal of Heart Failure published the study and reported that heart damage was most common after the booster.

One in 35 or 2.8% of healthcare workers at a Swiss hospital had signs of heart injury associated with the vaccine, mRNA-1273, researchers found. Continue reading

Conservatives are having the daycare debate and I am here for it!

“Call it a ministry, or call it an essential service, but in my humble opinion daycare is a necessary evil. Especially so for young babies who have not yet developed a healthy attachment to their parents to be separated from those parents for the vast majority of their waking hours daily.”

(Harriet Rigby – Not the Bee) Is daycare a societal good? Or a necessary evil?

Thanks to conservative pop-culture commentator Alex Clark of Poplitics, conservative moms are having the much-needed debate.

Clark recently interviewed author Suzanne Venker on her podcast, The Spillover, to talk about all the myriad problems with daycare. Venker argues that daycare should be a last resort for families, but in the current culture, it’s become a default for many moms. Continue reading

The Only Way to Carry a Heavy Burden

(Amy K. Hall – Stand to Reason) I don’t need to tell you that life is hard. The older you are, the better you know this. The heavy burdens of past grief, present suffering, and anxiety about the future can easily overwhelm us, but they don’t have to. There’s wisdom about handling suffering to be learned from those who have gone through it before us.

Tim Challies, who wrote about the unexpected loss of his only son in Seasons of Sorrow: The Pain of Loss and the Comfort of God, had this to say about how to bear crippling grief: Continue reading

Climate Crazies Have Discovered That Summertime Is Hot

“As a kid in the 1970s, I was constantly told that global cooling and overpopulation were the twin assassins that would soon be finishing off Earth and humanity. Here in the third decade of the 20th century, I’ve lost count of how many extinction events we’ve survived since I was an adolescent. I’m starting to get the feeling that nothing can do us in.”

(Stephen Kruiser – PJ Media) “Weather isn’t climate,” is a popular refrain among members of the Climate Cult whenever a sane person points out that the weather is out of sync with their doomsday scenarios. When the weather does fit their narrative du jour, however, it’s climate. Continue reading

Biden’s Corruption Implicates the Entire Political Establishment

(Matthew Boose – American Greatness) The basic contours of the Biden family’s corruption scandal have been known for years, but the details have been suppressed. What the public knows, it knows despite the efforts of the media, the Democrats, and the “intelligence community” to bend, twist, and bury the truth. For instance, it is no secret that Biden pressured Ukraine to fire a prosecutor who was investigating his son’s business partners. In fact, Biden bragged about it. But in the conventional narrative, Biden was doing this not out of personal interest, but as part of an institutional effort to root out corruption. This is the kind of obtuse, self-serving nonsense that passes for “journalism” today. Continue reading

The Dilemma of Morals

(Don & Joy Veinot – Midwest Christian Outreach) Where do morals come from? Are they objective or subjective? Are their origins from God or are they somehow a result of evolution, a byproduct of Social Darwinism? Our answers to these questions largely determine how we live with and treat other humans and often even define which humans have human rights that should be protected.

About a decade ago, we watched an interesting series by the Dutch public broadcasting system, VPRO. The question of the origin of morality was put to Darwinian paleontologist, the late Steven Jay Gould, in part 6 of their 7-part series, “A Glorious Accident”: Continue reading

‘On the Same Team’: DOJ Exposed for Colluding With Hunter Biden’s Legal Team

“Former U.S. Attorney, Brett Tolman, says the U.S. attorney’s office in Delaware has a tough choice to make right now. They could dismiss this thing and admit they’re a protection racket for the Bidens or they could restore the legitimacy of the department’s reputation and do something more substantial. Either way, they have a month and what happens at the end of that month, will tell us everything we need to know.”

(Katie Pavlich – Townhall) It’s been 24-hours since Hunter Biden entered a Delaware courtroom expecting to walk away without jail time and a codification of his sweetheart plea deal offered by the Department of Justice — wiping away felony tax fraud and a felony gun charge with minor misdemeanors and a diversion program. Continue reading

Refuting Queer Theology in the Church: The Queering of Scripture and God

“These proponents of queer theology, in their quest for a gender-fluid understanding of God, are desperately twisting the Scripture, venturing into uncharted territories laden with speculative and unsubstantiated theories. They are attempting to chart a new gospel of perversion, detached from the entirety of God Himself, and then using the name of God to affirm their own rebellion against Him.”

(The Dissenter) In an era where absurdity appears to have become the new norm, an article at New Ways Ministry titled Queer Theory and Theology Can Help Widen Church’s Understandings of God and Creation epitomizes this trend with stunning arrogance. The claims made in this hit piece against orthodox, biblical Christianity are, to put it mildly, bewildering—even disorienting. Continue reading

At unprecedented UFO hearing, Americans told pilots face tech ‘far superior’ than theirs

“As in previous hearings, lawmakers and witnesses expressed a desire for the U.S. military to tell the public more about what they know.”

(Just the News – John Solomon) Objects that stop in midair, then go in the other direction, ones that remain stationary in 130 mph-plus winds – these were just two accounts of what U.S. pilots are encountering in the missions, a group of retired military members told Congress on Wednesday about unidentified flying objects, or UFOs. Continue reading

BREAKING: Brave Judge REJECTS Hunter Biden Sweetheart Plea Deal

(Athena Thorne – PJ Media)  After much discussion and back-and-forth, a federal judge has declined to accept Hunter Biden’s sweetheart plea deal. The deal would have allowed Biden to plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax evasion charges and would have disposed of a felony gun charge. The president’s son was expected to get off with a couple of years of probation and a promise not to drink or do drugs and to enter a diversion program to make the gun charges go away.

But Delaware Federal District Judge Maryellen Noreika objected to the nature of the deal from the beginning. She questioned lawyers during the hearing about her many concerns…. Continue reading

Pope Francis Affirms ‘Transgenderism’

“The Bible teaches that each of us is fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14), created male and female (Genesis 1:27) in God’s own image. To defy this inherent identity, to mutilate one’s God-given body in pursuit of a personal “truth” that contradicts divine reality, is nothing short of rebellion against the Creator.”

(The Dissenter) In an unsurprising assault on biblical truth and Christian orthodoxy, the Roman Catholic Pope Francis has yet again aligned himself with the cultural zeitgeist, telling a young transvestite that “God loves us as we are.”… Continue reading

Redeemed Zoomer Goes Full Darwinist

UPDATE below.

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) One of the most prominent Christian YouTube channels right now is Redeemed Zoomer who stands at a whopping 125K subs on the platform. His most popular content is animated explainers on Christianity. However, he is also working on an ambitious plan to save apostate denominations. Redeemed Zoomer believes that protestants can reconquer these denominations by outlasting the heretics. Thus, the more beautiful church buildings in more prominent real estate will be restored to Bible teaching. On Conversations That Matter, Redeemed Zoomer made a compelling case for his Reconquista strategy, and he is active in this effort in the Presbyterian Church USA…. Continue reading

The heart of the shepherd and the essential church

The viewer will walk away from “The Essential Church” with the sense that each of these three men, in the words of the prophet Jeremiah, have “a burning fire shut up in their bones” that compels them to fulfill their ministries no matter the personal cost.

(Ben Zeisloft – The Sentinel) We far too often forget that only three years ago, government officials in the United States and other Western nations were closing churches, restricting the activities permitted during worship services, and threatening ministers with imprisonment. “The Essential Church,” a feature-length documentary made by Grace Productions and starring Grace Community Church Pastor John MacArthur, seeks to bring those harrowing memories back to the forefront of the nation’s mind. Continue reading

The Nature of God’s Word is to be Persecuted

14 You are My friends if you do what I command you. 15 No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you. 16 You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would abide, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name He may give to you. John 15:14-19 (LSB) See verses 17-19 on the site.

I have been reading through the book of Acts over the last few weeks. It is very interesting to see the spread of Christianity as the Apostles obediently made disciples wherever they went. This spread was always accompanied by persecution. The hotter the persecution the more encouraged the brethren became…. Continue reading

Transgender Genital Surgeries Result in Pain, Incontinence

(Alana Mastrangelo – Breitbart) Four out of five people who undergo transgender-related surgery involving their genitals endure pain in the five years after the procedure, more than half feel pain while having sex, and about one-third are left incontinent, one of the first studies into the side effects discovered.

“There is a high percentage reporting musculoskeletal pain, difficulty moving, and pelvic floor dysfunction,” University of Florida professor Meryl Alappattu said. “In terms of getting information related to the efficacy of these types of treatments — we still have a lot of work to do.” Continue reading

Bethel Church Teams Up With Roman Catholics to ‘Bring the Gospel’ to Every Person

“These same hyper-charismatic false apostles, like Johnson, already have a false gospel, and for them to team up with Roman Catholics to “evangelize” the world can only add more confusion to the mix. Who is the author of confusion? That should tell you where this movement is coming from.”

The snare of ecumenism among charismatic churches is increasing at an alarming rate. For several years, Hillsong Phoenix had been hosting the Alpha Conference, an ecumenical conference designed to tear down doctrinal divides between opposing apostate Christian sub-sects as they join hands to promote a social cause. This year, of course, is no different. Continue reading