Trump Gloriously Lays Waste to L.A. Politicians Standing in the Way of Rebuilding

(Victoria Taft – PJ Media) It’s hard to pick out the most impactful part of President Donald and First Lady Melania Trump’s visit to see the devastation from the L.A. fires. Is it where he agreed with me about needing a special master to oversee the incoming billions of relief funds? It’s hard to top that, but calling out Mayor Karen Bass in real time and letting her know he wasn’t falling for the okie doke she was trying to pass off was a high point. Or when he told her he’d cleared all government permits for rebuilding and got the water flowing to fill her fire hydrants and asked her what she had done with her emergency powers lately…. Continue reading

Welcome Pro-Life Pardons

(Nate Jackson – The Patriot Post) Donald Trump may have moderated on the abortion issue during the presidential campaign after the electoral pushback Republicans endured after Roe v. Wade was overturned, but that doesn’t mean he’s done with the pro-life movement. He showed as much by pardoning 23 pro-lifers unjustly targeted by Joe Biden’s Two-Tiered Justice Department.

Yesterday, I criticized Trump’s pardons of the violent J6ers because he failed to distinguish them from the nonviolent grandmothers who were unjustly prosecuted for wandering the halls of Congress. The pro-life pardons, like those for nonviolent protesters, are praiseworthy. Continue reading

Pro-Hamas Foreign Students Are About to Be Deported

“The group, Betar, has about 30 names of students from nations such as Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Canada, and the United Kingdom currently enrolled in some of the nation’s top universities, including Columbia, UPenn, Michigan, Syracuse, UCLA, The New School for Social Research, Carnegie Mellon, and George Washington University.”

(Katie Pavlich – Townhall) Within moments of returning to the Oval Office on Monday, President Donald Trump got to work signing a flurry of executive orders. One of them is focused on “protecting the United States from Foreign Terrorists and other national security and public safety threats.” Continue reading

The Addicted, Petty, and Hysterical Left

“Forgetting nothing, learning nothing, like zombies, leftists keep screaming banalities. But like addicts and their feel-good fixes, their hysterics only further turn off the public as they destroy themselves.”

(Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) Donald Trump won the 2024 election in part because the left’s hysterical style of attacking Trump no longer worked.

After a decade of this unhinged furor, it proved worthless in winning public support—and for two simple reasons. Continue reading

Hunter Biden’s name, signature, and shared bank account showed up in $60M fraud investigation

‘One Senator believes it may be possible to bring Hunter Biden back for more questioning. Now that he is protected by his father’s expansive pardon, Senator Ron Johnson, R-Wis., says Hunter Biden cannot exercise his fifth amendment right to avoid incriminating himself. “

(Steven Richards – Just the News) When a million-dollar securities fraud wrapped up two of Hunter Biden’s business partners at Burnham Asset Management, Hunter Biden escaped scrutiny. However, bank records and corporate document drafts now show one of the future first son’s shared bank accounts was used in the fraudulent bond transaction. Continue reading

Undeserved Mercy

23 Woe to you Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, for you tithe mint and dill and cumin, but you have neglected the more important things of the Law: justice and mercy and faith; but these things you should have done without neglecting the others. Matthew 23:23 (translated from the NA28 Greek text)

A simple definition of mercy is “the withholding of deserved punishment and relieving distress.” The Greek ἔλεος (eleos) speaks of “compassion, pity.” One Greek lexicon tells us, “Kindness or good will towards the miserable and afflicted joined with a desire to relieve them.” Even the pagans of Greece felt pity. Aristotle wrote that tragedy aroused pity and even fear that the same tragedy might befall them. Continue reading

BREAKING: Trump Declassifies JFK Assassination Documents

(Townhall – Katie Pavlich) President Donald Trump signed an executive order Thursday afternoon declassifying Central Intelligence Agency documents related to the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. They will be released to the American public in short order.

“More than 50 years after the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the Federal Government has not released to the public all of its records related to those events…. Continue reading

Biden’s Last Memo: $590M to Moderna for an mRNA Bird Flu Vax

“This wild spending by the Biden administration will make it almost impossible for President Trump to spend on his agenda, the one most Americans voted into office.”

(Mary Dowling) The Biden Admin spent $590 million taxpayer-funded dollars for a grant to Moderna to develop an mRNA bird flu vaccine immediately before they left office. He wanted to spend every dime in the Treasury.  What better way to waste it than to push another rushed mRNA vaccine? Moderna uses gain-of-function, temporarily suspended in the US due to President Trump’s Executive Order…. Continue reading

Shocking new twist in Biden family crime drama reveals likely reason Joe pardoned everybody…

“They’ve already set up the excuses for why Biden can’t be held accountable for his crimes. Just look at the classified documents case—they’re claiming he’s too mentally “far gone” to stand trial, and that a jury would just end up feeling sorry for him.”

(Revolver) Joe Biden’s handlers didn’t pardon him—maybe by design. Perhaps, in the end, Joe, the man riddled with dementia, will be the fall guy for his entire criminal enterprise. And wouldn’t that be sweet justice? Continue reading

100 Highly Paid Ministry Leaders Revealed (Franklin Graham Makes How Much?)

Some of the organizations that have either partnered with churches or changed their designation to identify on paper as ‘churches,’ thus enabling them to withhold their form 990 include “CRU/Campus Crusade for Christ, The Navigators, Gideons International, Willow Creek Association, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Joyce Meyer Ministries, Denison Forum, and Ethnos360/New Tribes Mission.”

(Protestia) MinistryWatch is an organization designed to empower donors to Christian ministries. They do this by “profiling public Christian charities, churches, and parachurch ministries” and then reporting on the results to “limit consequences of scams and prevention of fraudulent activity, promote better allocations of giving, encourage intelligent questions of organizational structure, financial health, and advance the idea of organizational transparency and best practices.” Continue reading

‘The People Rejoice’

“Many evangelicals now understand that power isn’t a dirty word. The question is merely who will wield it, in whose name, and to what purpose. If power is shifting in a direction more aligned with biblical justice and virtue, then the time to act is now. Pursuing power and influence should not be eschewed by the righteous, but rather encouraged (“When the righteous increases, the people rejoice”).” 

(David Harris – TruthScript) In a predictable yet profoundly incriminating act, President Biden bookended his record-breaking number of presidential pardons by including General Mark Milley, Dr. Anthony Faucci, and the congressional members of the J6 committee [and many Biden family members]. More than any other bureaucratic figureheads, these men and women represent the absolute departure from justice, truth, common sense, and sanity that the last four years were. If the Biden presidency could be described in one scripture, it would be Proverbs 29:2When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when a wicked man rules, people groan. Continue reading

The Celebrity Pastor Phenomenon is Selling Out the Gospel for 30 Pieces of Silver

“This is the rot at the heart of the so-called “pastorpreneur” phenomenon. These men—and, increasingly, women—have bartered their pulpits for stages, their organs for smoke machines and rock bands, and worst of all, their Bibles for TED Talks.”

(The Dissenter) Michael Jackson moonwalked his way into the hearts of millions, perhaps billions, of people around the globe, a glittering icon who could do no wrong in the eyes of his adoring fans. They cheered, screamed, and wept at the mere sight of him, entranced by the aura of untouchable greatness that surrounded him. But then came the headlines—the lawsuits, the whispers, the grotesque truths that couldn’t be silenced by a high note or a perfectly timed spin. Continue reading

Trump Drops a Late Night Post Torching Lib Pastor Who Lectured Him During Prayer Service

TRUMP RESPONDS TO SERMON BY WOKE BISHOP: “Mr. President, what did you think of the sermon?” “What did you think? Did you find it exciting? Was not too exciting, was it?”

(Matt Vespa – Townhall) Rebecca will have a much longer post on this later today, but who does this woman think she is? Bishop Mariann Budde opted to use the inaugural prayer service to lecture President Donald Trump and Vice President JD Vance, urging them to spit in the faces of the American people who elected them to deport criminal illegal aliens, secure the southern border, and enforce immigration measures. Continue reading

Jails refusing to release Pardoned J6 Hostages, MAGA Army unleashes ‘PIT BULL’ attack…

(Revolver) Promises made, promises kept. It’s a phrase MAGA is familiar with, thanks to President Trump’s first term, when he did everything in his power to deliver on the promises he made to his supporters. Compare that to the average politician, who lies through their teeth just to get elected and forgets their promises the moment they win. Both parties are famous for this, but Dems have made it an art form—especially when it comes to their black voters, who only seem to matter every four years or so.

Watch the video on the site. Continue reading

Exposed: How Christianity Today Intends To Manipulate Christians With Trump Back In Office

“In this leaked email, Olasky is crowdsourcing sob stories about raids and deportations. The goal would be to make voters uncomfortable with what they voted for.”

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Donald Trump is back in office and that means mass deportations are on the menu. Trump’s day one executive orders tackled anchor babies, militarizing the border, and drug cartels. However, not everyone in Christian media is happy about this. As Evangelical Dark Web has long cataloged, Evangelical leaders have been working with Soros backed open-borders organizations…. Continue reading

A Whole Lotta MAGA Goin’ On

“One of the recipients of the pardons — California Sen. Adam Schiff — is on record as saying that innocent people don’t need preemptive pardons…For the record, this is the first time I’ve ever agreed with Schiff.” 

(Stephen Kruiser – PJ Media) One thing many of us learn as we get older is that modifying expectations is generally the wisest option in any situation. Every once in a while, however, a situation arises that makes it impossible to avoid being filled with excitement and anticipation. Continue reading

Trump Rips Security Clearances From the 51 Spies Who Lied, Then He Hit Them With Another Bombshell

(Rusty Weiss – Red State) President Donald Trump, as expected, has signed an executive order revoking the security clearances of 51 intelligence officers who signed a letter portraying Hunter Biden’s laptop as ‘Russian disinformation’ before the 2020 presidential election.

The order also authorizes further investigation into those involved in the publication of the infamous letter.

It requires the “Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency” to “revoke any current or active clearances” of the listed 51 individuals. Continue reading

7 Highlights From Trump’s Inauguration Address: ‘The Golden Age Of America Begins Right Now’

“I felt then, and believe even more so now, that my life was saved for a reason. I was saved by God to make America great again.”

(Tristin Justice – The Federalist) President Donald Trump became the second commander-in-chief ever to serve two non-consecutive terms on Monday. He was sworn in for a second time following two failed assassination attempts and an unprecedented campaign to imprison him.

“The golden age of America begins right now,” Trump said. “From this day forward, our country will flourish and be respected again all over the world.” Continue reading

SCARY: Mike Johnson Recounts Meeting With Joe Biden, Shocks With Tale of Senility and Subterfuge

“They wouldn’t let me meet with him, and his staff kept giving me excuses. This went on for like eight or nine weeks, “I’m sorry Mr. Speaker, he doesn’t have time.” What are you talking about? I’m second in line to the presidency, he has time. I need to talk to him.”

(Bonchi – Red State) With President Joe Biden soon to be out of politics for good, the tales of just how far gone he has been over the last four years are getting more and more disturbing. In mid-December, RedState shared a post-election report detailing his memory and sundowning issue. Of course, it’s been known for years that Biden was facing serious cognitive decline. That it only became acceptable for major press outlets to discuss it in the last couple of months is an indictment of their credibility. Continue reading

BREAKING: Biden Pardons Fauci, Milley, and J6 Committee Members

(Chris Queen – PJ Media) In one of the most unprecedented moves in presidential history, Joe Biden pardoned Dr. Anthony Fauci, retired Gen. Mark Milley, and others on Donald Trump’s alleged “enemies list” on his way out the door of the Oval Office.

Biden has mastered the dark art of the preemptive pardon, making sure that people like his son, Hunter, never face accountability for any federal crimes they committed. Interestingly enough, in the case of this morning’s pardons, the outgoing president admitted that he is pardoning people for imagined crimes as well as any real ones. Continue reading

The Secret of Sanctification

One of the most beneficial things I learned from my professors during my seminary days was that ministers must continually preach the message of the cross to the people of God for their growth in grace. One professor in particular constantly exhorted us to preach Christ “for pardon and power.” The longer I am a Christian, the more clearly I see the wisdom of this counsel. The message of the cross meets our deepest need for pardon and power as we seek to overcome indwelling sin. Continue reading

Why Public Trust in the Church Continues to Erode

“When you claim to represent the eternal and holy God, your failures carry a weight that no financial guru or celebrity influencer could ever fathom. A scandal in the church isn’t just a lapse in judgment, it’s a betrayal of office on a cosmic scale.”

(The Dissenter) For centuries, at least in the West, the church held an unparalleled position of trust and reverence. They were seen as the stewards of moral clarity in a world ever-increasing in cultural chaos. They were the shepherds who guided their flocks with conviction and commitment to the unchanging word of God. Continue reading

Bombshell Report Reveals New Juicy Details About How Biden Was Forced To Drop Out

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) A new bombshell report has exposed the intricate behind-the-scenes maneuvering that led to Joe Biden stepping down from the 2024 presidential race. While many assumed the tipping point was Biden’s poor performance during the June CNN debate against Donald Trump, it turns out that the groundwork to push Biden aside had been laid long before.

From the start, there was little enthusiasm among Democrats for Biden to seek a second term. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer faced the task of persuading the president to step aside…. Continue reading

Dems Make a Case for One-Party Republican Rule, at Least for a While

Bear in mind, I always find problems with the way Republicans do things; I’m just saying that the worst Republican in Congress is exponentially better than the best Democrat. Also, there is no “best Democrat.”

(Stephen Kruiser – PJ Media) If it seems a bit one-note here at the Briefing this week, it’s because the future of the Republic warrants it.

Here we are with another variation on the theme “The Democrats Are the Worst People Since the Nazis and Jimmy Kimmel Fans.”… Continue reading

Jordan Peterson Has Finally said ‘Jesus is God,’ But He Actually Doesn’t Mean It

(Protestia) Jordan Peterson has finally said the words Christians have been clamoring for and praying for him for years to say, “Jesus is God,” but given how he understands such a phrase, it doesn’t mean anything.

Peterson is one of the thought leader of our age. A promoter of logic, reason, and general sanity, he has gutted the anti-intellectual emotionalism of the political left and has done so through a secularist worldview, all the while frequently commenting and teaching through the scriptures. Continue reading