Study Indicates Beginning of Scripture Neglected

How often do you read the Bible, and where do you read fromThese were two of the questions a recent study from the ministry publisher Crossway asked 6,000 Bible readersThe results showed, rather predictably, that most Bible reading is confined to the New Testament (with considerable focus on the last book, Revelation), and that people typically find the Old Testament prophetic books the most difficult to understandBut this survey serves as a reminder that we need to read the whole Bible—not just the New Testament!

(Ken Ham – Answers In Genesis)  There are some encouraging results in this studyThe book of Genesis shows on the infographic as being in the top 10 books respondents had read in the previous year, the previous six months, and the previous month.

This indicates people within the church are reading the book of Genesis (although the study doesn’t reveal which chapters)—which is great news because this book provides the foundation for our worldview and all doctrine (ultimately, directly or indirectly, every single biblical doctrine of theology is founded in Genesis)However, these figures may be slightly skewed because many yearly Bible-reading plans start people in Genesis and the survey was taken in JanuaryThe study also does not address the key issue—whether people believe what they are reading and take Genesis as literal history.

There are negative aspects to this study as wellJust over 10 percent of respondents found the first 5 books of the Bible the hardest to understand. This is third in the groupings of books Crossway used (the prophets came first with well over 40% struggling to understand them)More discouraging is that the first five books are among the least likely to be read frequentlyRevelation was much more likely to be read than GenesisSadly, as the church has focused on the end of the Bible, it has lost the beginning—which is the foundation for the restGenesis chapters 1–11 are the foundation for the entire Bible. View article →