The Gospel is a description of God’s bridge to people

If we compare much of what is preached or presented as the gospel these days to what the Bible says is the Gospel, and if we are scripturally honest, we will have to say that there is a vast difference between the two. The gospel that most hear today has been neutered by the removal of the Law of God as well as His wrath against all unatoned for sin. As a result, the Church is populated by huge numbers of converts, but sadly few regenerate believers.

Not only is the concept that the Gospel is a description of God’s bridge to people not well known or understood, it is also not seen as necessary. Why? The social or seeker sensitive gospel does not talk about sin, repentance, God’s wrath, or Christ’s Lordship. Instead, the emphasis is on getting as many as possible to “decide for Christ.” Is salvation a decision that includes the reward of eternal life for making it? View article →