We are his masterpiece, having been created in Christ Jesus for good works that God previously prepared that we should walk in them

10 We are his masterpiece, having been created in Christ Jesus for good works that God previously prepared that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10 (translated from the NA28 Greek text) 

The last few weeks on social media has been quite interesting for me. I left a couple of discussions groups I have been part of for years. I left because I could no longer bear the trollish behavior being allowed to dominate them. Also, late in the week I saw a strange post on a discussion group that I am part of that I hardly ever visit. It is run by a “friend” who has friended and unfriended me several times over the past few years so the word “friend” hardly defines our relationship. In any case the post pertained to a tweet made by radical Social Justice Warrior Jackie Hill Perry that said, “The ones who believe that Christianity is ‘The White Mans Religion’ have actually believed the ‘White Mans’ narrative. Christianity didn’t start in Europe nor did all black folk get introduced to Jesus for the first time on a plantation. Stop believing Massa & calling it history.”

J.D. Hall at Pulpit and Pen responded with a tweet of his own, “Christianity is also not a religion belonging to militant, butch, black women. What’s your point?”

Now, on my “friend’s” group everyone was piling on to her outrage over J.D. Hall’s blunt response while ignoring the blatant heresy proclaimed in Jackie Hill Perry’s tweet. Me being me posted a comment that said pretty much that. Heresy is heresy. I didn’t know what J.D. Hall was trying to say with some of his language in his tweet at that time, but I knew and agreed with him that what Perry was saying was not to be defended by orthodox Christians. I was unfriended again about 5 minutes later. Later that evening J.D. Hall went online and explained everything, which made everything very plain for me at least. Here is a link to that.

The day I ran into all those tweets and got unfriended I did some research into Black Liberation Theology, Woke Christianity and social justice stuff that goes with it. From that came my post Black Liberation Theology, Woke Christianity and Racism. I didn’t receive very much push back on it like I expected I would. However, I did receive one comment that I refused to post because it violated the rules for commenting on my blog. The fellow who was commenting had a ministry in the inner city in which it was all about social justice. The Gospel to him was secondary to social justice. He even stated in his comment that the purpose of salvation, purpose of the Church by God was to bring about social justice. The reason I didn’t post his comment was his accusations that I was ignorant and did not do any research in coming up with the content of that post. If I had written a positive post about social justice I doubt if he would have cared. What those deceived people in the social justice movement, in whatever form, lack is an understanding of the necessary centrality of the the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and the fact that the good works that we are to walk in are those that we can do only by the grace of God as we shall see in the Bible Study below. View article →