Ted Cruz Threatens Lawsuit After Yale Law School Blacklists Christian Firms

“Due to this very activism, the far-left smear factory the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) branded ADF a “hate group,” placing it on a list along with the Ku Klux Klan. Even ADF’s ideological opponents with the ACLU and the atheist group Military Religious Freedom Foundation have denounced this label as false.”

(Tyler O’Neil – PJ Media)  In February, a group of Yale Law students invited a lawyer from Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), a Christian law firm, to speak at the campus. The student LGBT group caused a ruckus and demanded the school yank all funds from students and alumni who work with organizations that “discriminate” against LGBT people. Yale caved in late March, and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) responded with a scathing letter threatening legal action.

“Yale’s new discriminatory policy came to light a few days ago in the news, but demands immediate attention and concern,” a Cruz spokesperson told PJ Media. “In his capacity as chairman of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary’s Subcommittee on the Constitution, [Cruz] intends to investigate the extent and nature of Yale’s discrimination against their own Christian and conservative students, continue gathering information from various sources within Yale Law, from faculty to students, and possibly hold a hearing to determine whether their rights are being violated by Yale, an institution which receives federal funds and is clearly prohibited from this sort of action.”

“Public news reports indicate that Yale Law School has recently adopted a transparently discriminatory policy: namely, that Yale will no longer provide any stipends or loan repayments for students serving in organizations professing traditional Christian views or adhering to traditional sexual ethics,” Cruz wrote in the letter on Thursday.  View article →


Yale Law School Yanks Stipends From Students Who Works For Christians Firms