Hateful: Scalise Shooting Puts Focus on Left’s Vilification of GOP

According to a shooting update over at Breitbart: Facebook group called “Terminate the Republican Party” seemingly celebrates Wednesday’s assault. The Belleville News-Democrat reported that Hodgkinson [the shooter] belonged to this group.

Lifezette’s Edmund Kozak says the Alexandria ambush highlights Democrats’ dehumanizing, hyperbolic, anti-conservative rhetoric. Here’s Kozak’s report:

The attack on Republican congressmen that occurred in Alexandria, Virginia, on Wednesday quickly drew attention to the American Left’s escalating anti-Republican rhetoric, which demonizes and dehumanizes conservatives and their beliefs.

The shooter, identified as James T. Hodgkinson, appears to be a far-left activist who had volunteered on Democratic campaigns and held a deep disdain for President Donald Trump.

“I don’t have the evidence of why the shooter did what he did, but I’ll tell you this: My colleagues, Republicans who have done town halls, have been approached and rushed by people in the crowd and shaken up,” said Rep. Sean Duffy (R-Wisc.) to Fox News after the incident. “Members of Congress have been followed after town halls and run off the road.”

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