On Instagram, Christian comedian John Crist told critics to “just shut up” about CCM artist Lauren Daigle, who got slammed for avoiding answering a question about her views on homosexuality. Crist also commented on megachurch pastor John Gray who reportedly gave his wife a $200,000 Lamborghini for her birthday. To Gray’s critics he said “shut your mouth.” JD Hall of Pulpit & Pen responded thusly:
You’re funny. I’ve laughed at your videos and shared them around multiple times. I’ve never looked to you as a church leader of any kind because as far as I know, your primary contribution to Christianity is to make people laugh.
And that’s nice and everything, but humor is not a spiritual gift. Making people laugh is not listed among the Fruits of the Spirit. Humor is not given for the building up and edification of the church. But that’s okay; there’s nothing wrong with levity. It just means I look to you for comedy and not for your doctrinal opinions.
To be candid, if we wanted your opinion on spiritual matters, we’d ask you. You see, as pleasant a person as you are – and wonderful in many ways, no doubt – you are a dancing monkey.

I’m not trying to be demeaning. I’m trying to be realistic. It’s best for both of us. You should stick to comedy. Your observational humor about evangelical life is often spot-on (very funny, for reals), but your commentary on doctrinal matters is as out-of-place as Lauren Daigle showing her midriff in a worship video.