According to the Holy Scriptures, a Christian who publicly identifies as a homosexual does not meet the qualifications to be an elder in the church. When he “comes out,” he must be “ruled out” as a qualified man to serve as an elder in the church. He doesn’t make the cut. He is not above reproach, no matter how many study committees say otherwise…I believe that the “Side B” status is untenable as we interpret the Scriptures, but just as clearly, where his identity is made public, it disqualifies a man from being an officer in the church. A member who needs help? Yes! But an officer? No!
(Larry Ball – The Aquila Report) There have been a number of helpful articles on the Aquila Report recently in regard to a homosexual (gay) pastor in the PCA. Some churches are leaving the PCA. Even if a pastor believes his church should wait for a greater defining-moment to leave, many congregants are forcing the hands of their leadership to exit now….
All it takes to leave the PCA is a majority vote of the congregation in a duly called meeting. It appears that the so-called “progressives” have control of the PCA, even though I believe they are a minority. However, history teaches us that committed minorities usually win.
At times I believe that we are beginning to be over-saturated with so much talk about sex. At least I think that I am! However, I believe there are a few further points that need to be made in this debate. Let me proceed with a few passages that are often overlooked in this discussion.
First, in 1 Corinthians 7, Paul is dealing with sexual abstinence in both single persons and married couples. Matthew Henry summarizes the first part of the chapter as follows, “He shows them that marriage was appointed as a remedy against fornication, and therefore that persons had better marry than to burn.”