Professor Forced out at Baptist Seminary for Sharing Biblical Views on Sexuality and Sex Abuse

According to Lopez, his supervisors cited opposition to him from the and the Southwestern administration….

(Capstone Report)  A prominent professor at Southwestern Baptist has been dismissed from the well-known seminary for his position on same-sex relationships and his advocacy for victims of same-sex abuse. Professor Robert Oscar Lopez, who is formerly gay and an abuse survivor, has written multiple books on the topic including and The New Normal: The Transgender Agenda.

On November 29, 2019, Lopez received written notification that his position was eliminated in the undergraduate program at Southwestern. This was after three meetings with the provost, Randy Stinson and four meetings with the dean of the college, Michael Wilkinson. Lopez was “pressured to cease from discussing sexuality and sex abuse.”

Lopez has often shared his own testimony, his ministry helping those in homosexuality, and the need to allow victims of same-sex abuse to come forward. “I was preaching publicly that with the help of Jesus Christ people could overcome homosexuality, and I was discussing same-sex sex abuse.” Lopez submitted two resolutions to the Southern Baptist Convention (2018 and 2019). One advocated for ministries to help people overcome homosexuality and build normal heterosexual lives. The other advocated for people to come forward and report sex abuse and other misconduct without retaliation or non-disclosure agreements. Both never made it out of committee. View article →


Homosexual Agenda

Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission