Peace With God Through Faith

29 His disciples *said, “Lo, now You are speaking plainly and are not using a figure of speech. 30 Now we know that You know all things, and have no need for anyone to question You; by this we believe that You came from God.” 31 Jesus answered them, “Do you now believe?  John 16:29-33 (NASB)  (Read verses 32-33 on the site)

Not that I am a war monger, nor do I even like war or conflict at all, but I do get upset when I hear people say things about Jesus being the Prince of Peace that, according to them, Christians should never be in conflict with anyone. After all, Jesus is the Prince of Peace!…

Jesus is the Prince of Peace, but that means that through Him and Him alone, people can find peace with God. Any who seek that peace in any way other than through Him will never find it.

1 Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand; and we exult in hope of the glory of God. Romans 5:1-2 (NASB) 

The “we” in v1 is Paul and all genuine Christians. All in Christ have been justified by faith. That is why they are genuine. They did not become “saved” by works or being religious or keeping rules or walking an aisle or saying a specific prayer. No, they were “saved” by grace through faith. (Ephesians 2:8-9) As a result, God justified them, imputing Christ’s Righteousness to their account. Because of that, they have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. That means that they are no longer at enmity with God nor is God at enmity with them. Not only that, but they have also gained access by faith into God’s grace in which they stand. What that means is each individual has direct access to the throne of grace. They don’t have to go through any human High Priest or be just a small part of large group that gains access to God by being religious. No, Jesus Christ is our personal saviour and High Priest through whom we have access directly to God. God has promised that all whom He saves will be glorified in eternity. (Romans 8:28-30) What a blessed hope!    View article →