Defund the Police? How About We Defund the Universities

“Happily, real courts overthrew many of the university injustices and rebuked universities for their practices. The imaginary systemic racism was “overcome” by providing special consideration and benefits for people of color, such as segregated dining, sleeping, socializing, and ceremonies, segregation being the new “human rights” of the ideological extremists. Unfortunately, no court or legislature has yet intervened to assess these practices.”

(Philip Carl Salzman – PJ Media)  Our universities have nurtured and foisted on America and Canada an extreme radicalism that vilifies American and Canadian history, society, and culture….

This radicalism stems in the first instance from identity grievance studies programs, such as feminist and gender studies, gay and queer studies, black studies, Hispanic and Chicano studies, indigenous studies, and ethnic studies, which have adopted marxist theories popular in sociology and political science.

This far left ideology has diffused throughout the soft subjects of the social sciences, humanities, education, social work, and law. Far left radicalism has been adopted with enthusiasm by administrators and imposed on any laggard or dissenting students and professors by the many “diversity and inclusion” commissars whose salaries could have funded many scholarships and professorships in STEM fields. View article →


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