Cancel Culture Comes to Church: Media Ignore Attacks on Christians

“According to the Media Research Center, out of 270 minutes on NBC, ABC, and CBS nightly news coverage for last Friday through Sunday (July 10 – 12), not one second was spent on these violent anti-Christian attacks. That includes the complicit silence from the God haters at CNN and MSNBC.”

(David Fiorazo) You didn’t believe me, did you? Just a few weeks back I reported on the destruction of statues and federal monuments and the ‘cancel culture’ which is a result of the anti-American programming this generation has been fed in public schools and anti-Christian universities. Then a BLM leader said take the destruction to the churches!

And a few days ago, at least six churches were attacked by vandals or arsonists in several different American cities. A 24-year old in Florida even set fire to a Catholic church while people were inside. In Boston, another vandal set fire to a statue of the Virgin Mary. View article →


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