BLM/Antifa Celebrate the Killing of a Trump Supporter in Portland: We ‘Took Out The Trash,’ Video of the Alleged Shooter

(Nick Arama – Red State)  On Saturday, hundreds of Trump supporters gathered in the outskirts of Portland in a “Cruise Rally” in pick-up trucks with a lot of Trump 2020 flags decked out all over the cars.

After their rally, they then decided to drive into Portland. They were set upon, in the words of the media, by “counter-protesters” otherwise known as radical leftists/Antifa folk.

Leftist tried to block some of the cars, other cars they threw things at, threatened or stole flags from. Some of the Trump supporters defended themselves with pepper spray or paintball guns. There were multiple fights between the two groups.

They cornered Patriot Prayer’s Joey Gibson and beat the heck out of him. He survived because the folks in the gas station saved him and pulled him inside. Then Antifa tried to besiege the station. View article →

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