The Equality Act, of which Kamala Harris, Joe Biden’s choice for Vice-President, has been a leading supporter, was already passed by the House. This act elevates sexual orientation and gender identity to an anti-discrimination category in law, on the same level as race. What people feel about their sexual identity now has been granted the status of federal law. A Christian ethicist called this project “the most invasive threat to religious liberty ever proposed in America…. Its sweeping effects on religious liberty, free speech, and freedom of conscience will be both historic and also chilling.”
(Peter Jones – truthxchange) As we approach the 2020 presidential elections, Christians should think deeply about their vote. Clearly, no current political party has any right to lay claim to being the G.O.P, “God’s Own Party.” Traditionally, believers (myself included) have sought to avoid taking a public political stance in order both to respect the political choices of fellow believers as well as to avoid the dangers of focusing on secondary issues and being side-tracked from the primacy of gospel preaching. But as time goes on, and politics becomes increasingly religious, with deeper moral implications, the difference between primary and secondary issues becomes fuzzy. In my opinion, politics has become deeply spiritual.
Those who, some years ago, were turning to odd forms of “spirituality” in their search for inner peace have begun to peg their hopes on politics rather than the seemingly obscure practices of meditation or chakras. Although many still dabble in Eastern philosophy, younger generations are pinning their hopes on a this-worldly political utopia. They have drunk of the intoxicating belief in the “imperial sovereign self,”[1]which creates the spiritual theory behind “identity politics.” Such a spiritual faith in the self is no longer tempered by the Christian notion that humanity is fallen or that the Creator is the ultimate source of meaning. As one expert in modern Gnosticism (philosopher Eric Voegelin) put it, today’s temptation is to “immanentize the eschaton”—that is, to bring the end-time into the present and create a final utopia in the now. This is, perhaps, the real meaning of “progressivism,” which can be understood as a sort of political Gnosticism.
What is Gnosticism? In very simple terms, this ancient heresy in the second and third century church taught that humans are divine and have no need of a Creator. If this were to be true, then we would no longer need a biblical reference point, such as the one on which the American culture began. Notions like natural law, normative male and female distinctions, the family, a civil society of free speech, and the special place of the Church—all once considered natural and necessary institutions mediating between the state and the individual—are dismissed out of hand. A gnostic view of life recognizes no such natural or necessary institutions. Salvation can only be a-theistic, without any reference to God. Should progressivism win the day in the 2020 presidential election, what will be the practical result?
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