“Mike Bickle has even stated he wants Fire Within, a book promoting the teachings of Catholic contemplatives Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross, to be the “manual for IHOP-KC.” Fire Within is written by the contemplative, Catholic priest, Father Thomas Dubay.”
(John Lanagan – The Word Like Fire) False teachers and false movements abound. Some do lasting damage. Some false teachings are short-lived. But there is one deceptive “prayer” practice in particular that continues to infect the visible church.
This is contemplative prayer. The practice has a powerful teacher-advocate who has brought contemplative darkness to young believers for two decades. This is Mike Bickle, founder of the International House of Prayer. In Fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit: 5 Practical Phrases, Bickle gives instructions on how to experience contemplative prayer–which he calls “communing prayer.”
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