Willow Creek Campus in Uproar Over Sweeping Staff Cuts & Vision to Centralize

(Julie Roys and Cindy Mallette)  A campus of Willow Creek Community Church is in an uproar over massive staff cuts—part of a new vision by new Senior Pastor Dave Dummit to streamline costs and centralize the embattled Chicago-area megachurch.

Some are saying they want to secede from the multi-site church. Others say they’re withholding tithes until they feel their voice is heard.

The sweeping changes took effect in early October, when central Willow Creek leadership eliminated 92 positions across Willow’s eight campuses.

This included 13 staff at Willow’s North Shore campus in Glenview—some of whom had been in their positions for more than 15 years. Other staff were offered the option of taking a buyout or a position in the church’s new model.  View article →

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