David French Joins Southern Baptist Leaders in Praising Joe Biden for ‘Character’

“French, who claims to be a Christian…demands we set aside our policy differences with Joe Biden because he has endured “terrible grief” in his life. Never mind that Joe Biden wants to kill babies, force the LGBTQ agenda down your children’s throats in public schools, steal from hard workers to give to sluggards, destabilize the nation through open-borders policies and defunding law enforcement, and silencing the gospel by flushing religious freedom down the proverbial toilet.” 

(Jeff Maples – Reformation Charlotte)  David French, a political commentator at the National Review — who also happens to be in bed with the leftist wing of Evangelicalism — has joined hands with progressive Southern Baptists such as Russell Moore of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) and president of the denomination, J.D. Greear to congratulate and extend a warm welcome to Joe Biden as their future pastor-in-chief….

After years of relentless attacks on the current president Donald Trump over his “character flaws,” these men now praise Joe Biden for carrying the moral high ground despite the fact Biden opposes God from every conceivable angle.  View article →


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