Barack Obama: Still a Racial Incendiary

“A January 2009 ABC News poll found that 58% thought race relations would improve under Obama. But by October 2016, one month before the presidential election, a CNN/ORC poll found 54% thought race relations worsened under Obama, including 40% of blacks and 57% of whites.”

(Larry Elder – The Patriot Post) Former President Barack Obama recently gave a speech in which he attacked the critics of “identity politics.”….

At the June Copenhagen Democracy Summit Obama said: “I have little sympathy for reactionaries who cynically condemn identity politics or cancel culture when really all they’re doing is trying to preserve existing privilege or excuse entrenched injustice, or bigotry. I mean, the original identity politics is racism and sexism and homophobia. That’s nothing if not identity politics, and it’s done a lot more harm than some tweet from an aggrieved liberal.”

“Reactionaries”? View article →



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