Drag Queen “Identifies” as a Child: Who Predicted This Was Going to Happen?

(The Dissenter) While Southern Baptist leaders like JD Greear are going around urging people to use the “preferred pronouns” of people who identify as the opposite sex all in the name of “pronoun hospitality,” many of us were warning that the capitulation to such nonsense would only lead to the inevitable.

The drag queen story hour phenomenon has exploded like nobody’s business and taking children and handing them over to sex perverts has become a staple for leftist parents….

Understanding only that God’s word describes the people who do this as morally depraved and given over to a debased mind, it’s difficult to wrap one’s mind around how parents could act so irresponsibly. But they do. View article →



Drag Queens

CRN’s homepage contains a list of professing Christians to keep an eye on. Scroll down to WARNING. The list contains those to mark and avoid (Rom 16:17-18) such as J.D. Greear


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