Benny Hinn Responds to Mike Winger’s 4-Hour Exposé: ‘Forgive Me…I’ve Made Mistakes’

(Protestia) Benny Hinn has responded to a recent 4-hour exposé done on him by Mike Winger, asking people to “forgive him” for his errors while still engaging in revisionist history, minimization of his error, and outright lies.

Still reeling from Winger’s cinematic cinderblock to the head, arch-heretic Benny Hinn reached out to Stephen Strang, founder and CEO of Charisma News, the media conglomerate that has been historically very friendly to him, to do damage control and “throw his hat into the ring and try to balance the scales when it comes to the legacy he will leave behind.”

Strang was a willing participant in his efforts to show himself as rehabilitated and reformed, lobbing a bunch of softball questions you’d swear were submitted by Hinn himself. (Transcript below) Teeing up at the plate, Hinn paints a picture of himself as a faithful believer who loves Jesus and yet has made a few errors in fifty years of ministry, mostly in his youth by putting his trust in the wrong people, but that’s all done away with now. View article →


CRN’s homepage contains a list of professing Christians to keep an eye on. Scroll down to WARNING. The list contains many people you’ll want to mark and avoid as per Rom 16:17-18 such as Benny Hinn.


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