Victor Davis Hanson and the Dumb Kids in Ivy Leagues

(Mary Dowling) In a conversation on The Watchman, VDH discussed some of the points he makes in his new book, The End of Everything. When they talked about the protests and riots on college campuses, he torched the Ivies that he no longer sees as exceptional.

They’re antisemitic:

“One, I think we’ve dispelled the liberal myth that there was a difference between anti-Semitism and being anti-Israel. They don’t make a difference. When they [chase] Jews into the Cooper Union library, they don’t ask them whether they support Israel.

“When they rough up Jews or bar them from going where they need to go … on these major elite campuses, they don’t ask for their political sympathies. So that’s one thing, and let’s get rid of the other kind of exaggeration or lie that we’re just powerless pro-Palestinians; we’re not pro-terrorists; we’re not pro-Hamas. They’re flying Hamas flags. They openly cheer on Hamas; they make no apologies for that.” View article →


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