Biden His Time

“He told [ABC News anchor David] Muir he has known Putin for 40 years. Uh-oh. Evil Vlad is 71 and has run Russia for 24 years. So, how did Joe know him 16 years before that, as the dictator was essentially a spy? Camping trip to Siberia?”

(Bill O’Reilly) Some observations about President Biden’s interview in Normandy last week with ABC News anchor David Muir.  Since I, your humble correspondent, have interviewed six presidents, my take might be worthy.

Muir spoke as much or more than the President in the taped exposition….

His questions were relevant, but he did not challenge Mr. Biden, who gave rehearsed answers such as Donald Trump wants to destroy the Constitution.  We cannot find any Trump statement even close to that. So, Muir should have asked for backup. The anchor also might have corrected the record when Biden misstated Trump’s “dictator on day one” assertion. View article →



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