Ex-CDC Director: Vaccine Mandates Were Not Based on Science

“We can criticize Chris Cuomo for his past vaccine bullying, and I have, but we need to appreciate the information he is willing to share now. We can say the same thing about Dr. Redfield.”

(Mary Dowling) As we reported, former CDC Director Robert Redfield dropped shocking news in an interview with Chris Cuomo nearly a week ago that the mainstream media chose to ignore and still barely notice.

This interview with Chris Cuomo is very important. Dr. Robert Redfield spoke about the origins and ongoing impact of COVID-19, including the role of U.S. and Chinese research in the virus’s development…. Redfield shares insights on government overreach, vaccine effectiveness and side effects, and the reality of long COVID, emphasizing the need for transparency and a comprehensive review of the pandemic response. View article →


Recent COVID 19 News – Government incompetency revealed


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