Tony Evans ceases pastoral ministry ‘due to sin,’ enters ‘time of spiritual recovery and healing’

(Baptist Press) In a statement  posted on the Oak Cliff Bible Church website, church leaders have announced that Senior Pastor Tony Evans has stepped away from his staff role at the church due to falling “short of the high standards of [S]cripture.” Leaders say the “difficult decision” was made with tremendous prayer and after multiple meetings with Evans and church elders.

“The elder board is obligated to govern the church in accordance with the [S]criptures,” said a statement on the church’s website. “Dr. Evans and the elders agree that when any elder or pastor falls short of the high standards of scripture, the elders are responsible for providing accountability and maintaining integrity in the church.”

Evans, who has served at the church for 48 years, wrote a letter to members stating the reason for the decision happened “a number of years ago.” View article →



Tony Evans Says He’d Be ‘Lynched’ If He Became SBC President

CRN’s homepage contains a list of professing Christians to keep an eye on. Scroll down to WARNING. The list contains many people you’ll want to mark and avoid as per Rom 16:17-18 such as Tony Evans.


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