(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) The annual Southern Baptist Convention was the 3rd convention in which conservative Baptists were mobilized against the liberal drift in the denomination. In this convention, the conservatives would see both continued setbacks and substantial gains, unseen in the previous conventions. In 2021, the conservatives lost the presidential race winning only a minor office of first vice president and overriding the resolutions committee on a real pro-life resolution. In 2022, conservatives got blown out having no accomplishments at the convention. Conservatives speculated that New Orleans, being located in Louisiana, would be favorable to their cause whereas Anaheim was not.
Previously, Evangelical Dark Web has covered the Bart Barber reelection, the defeat of Rick Warren, and the passage of the Mike Law amendment and a motion that undermines it. However, because livestreaming the convention in its entirety amounted to long hours we have not done a complete written coverage of the convention yet. That analysis and coverage is what we are doing today.
CRN’s homepage contains a list of professing Christians to keep an eye on. Scroll down to WARNING. The list contains many people you’ll want to mark and avoid as per Rom 16:17-18 such as Rick Warren