A Communist’s Guide to Marxism in Higher Education: The Redtape Letters

(Owen Anderson – Clear Truth Media) It is a widely known secret that many secular university professors actively work to deconstruct the faith of young Christian students.  Sometimes they do this by directly assaulting the truths of the Christian religion.  They deny the existence of God and replace him with the materialistic dialectic.  They deny humanity’s need for redemption and replace Christ with the State.  And they mock Christian morality and replace it with “do what thou wilt is the whole of the law.”

However, more often than not, the attack is covert. It comes from the shadows.  Just as a viper carefully waits for a time to strike, such professors play the long game to undermine the Christian faith….

They create an atmosphere and culture antithetical to Christianity so that believers become the odd ones out.

In my role as a professor amongst such people, I have seen colleagues laugh about confusing Christian students. I discovered a series of letters from a senior-level communist offering guidance to a professor on how to promote the Marxist cause against Christian students. I will share how I discovered them at a later time. They are not in chronological order because I am still organizing and confirming the authenticity of each one.  Below is one of the Redtape Letters. View article →


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