(Protestia) Preaching from Ephesians 1:11-14, John MacArthur of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, took a moment to call out Joel Osteen and his heretical book Your Best Life Now, taking Osteen to task for the false promise that he presents in his book. MacArthur notes that for unbelievers, this is their best life, but for Christians, this is not our best life, rather our worst life, because our best life will be in heaven.
Tim Hurd of Bible Thumping Wingnut does an excellent weekly analysis so we’re using BTW’s video where Tim explains that for the first time in a long time GCC’s camera person turns the camera on the congregants, now that California will once again allow churches to gather in sanctuaries….
For many months they had abandoned their traditional practice of showing the audience and kept the camera on MacArthur, so that law enforcement wouldn’t know who was in the audience, lest those who dared attend the Sunday worship service get hit with a hefty fine.
Following is a partial transcript of Dr. MacArthur’s sermon:
I was asked this morning if this was my last sermon ever, because it was titled the final blessing. (Laughter) Now I know for some of you that would be the final blessing. (Laughter)
It was about a dozen years ago that a popular book came out written by Joel Osteen, the title of the book was your Best Life Now. And it sold about 8 million copies at the time. It’s been 12 years since then and 12 rather dramatic years particularly, the more recent ones.
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