‘The Return’ – Jonathan Cahn’s Upcoming Prayer Event Produced By Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing

“Let me cut to the chase. Prophet Rabbi Cahn’s books are not built on a solid biblical foundation. He has a mystical approach to interpreting Scripture.  When you do the research you will discover that Jonathan Cahn is a false … Continue reading 

Jonathan Cahn Sends Lamest Cease and Desist Letter EVER; Contends He Never Gave False Prophecy

Is it true that best selling author Jonathan Cahn has made no predictions in his books The Harbinger or Mystery of the Shemitah, as he claims? Pulpit & Pen News effortlessly dismantles Cahn’s assertion that he never gave a false prophecy: Pulpit & Pen … Continue reading 

Prophet Rabbi Jonathan Cahn?

Apprising Ministries brings you conflicting information about the author of The Harbinger. On one hand Chan denies he’s a prophet but on the other lets others proclaim that he is.

Is the ‘Christian Right’ doing the right thing in God’s eyes?

By Marsha West By far the biggest obstacle the visible Church faces is the infiltration of progressive activists, many of whom are renowned pastors, authors, conference speakers, evangelists, missionaries, musicians, televangelists, radio hosts, podcasters, seminary presidents and CEOs.  As of … Continue reading 

John Hagee: Solar Eclipse Means Prepare For Rapture!

“Simply stated, he is taking a celestial event that occurs after a historical event and declaring it to be a sign from God of this event. This retroactive interpretation is deceptive revisionism at its worst. John Hagee and Mark Biltz … Continue reading 

Nothing New Under The Sun: The Eclipse, Rapture, and Red-Faced False Prophets

“False prophecies of the return of Christ have wreaked destruction on gullible Christians and associated ministries. Many people who bought into Whisenant and Camping’s failed predictions quit their jobs, sold all of their possessions, and donated large sums of money … Continue reading 

Research: Heresy

It is a remarkable fact that all the heresies which have arisen in the Christian Church have had a decided tendency to dishonor God and to flatter man. ~ Charles Spurgeon A study released by LifeWay Research several years ago … Continue reading 

Blood Moons: Prophets Who Persist in Prophesying Falsely

(Marsha West – Christian Research Network)  A total lunar eclipse will occur May 26, 2021 and will be visible in North America, South America, Asia, Australia, and the Pacific. Some call the full moon “Super Flower Blood Moon.” The moon will … Continue reading 

‘The Return’ – To WHAT? A Bait & Switch Revival?

“Cahn typically includes the addition of Old Testament prophecies about Israel, potent occult mysticism derived from visions, fictional narratives, occult lore, numerology, and other unbiblical sources. His theology matches up precisely with that of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), particularly his eschatology.”  … Continue reading