What churches should know about YWAM Part 2: Partnering with the New Apostolic Reformation

YWAM leaders further solidified their desire to network with NAR leaders, in 2016, by forging an official partnership between YWAM and Mike Bickle’s International House of Prayer in Kansas City, Missouri (IHOPKC). A formal, public announcement of the “kingdom partnership” was made at IHOPKC, following a … Continue reading 

Dr. Albert Mohler’s Opportunity for Historic Repentance and Reformation

“It was bold hypocrisy for Dr. Mohler to post a picture of himself during the 500th anniversary celebration of the Reformation preaching over Luther’s body while simultaneously refusing to remove his longstanding compromise of Luther’s Gospel and Luther’s Reformation from … Continue reading 

Identifying New Apostolic Reformation churches in your city

Holly Pivec of Spirit of Error offers 5 tips for identifying NAR churches in your neighborhood. For example, NAR churches often provide links to other NAR websites or advertise their upcoming conferences — but not always. As well “they might share … Continue reading 

Yes, Bethel Redding and Bill Johnson are part of the New Apostolic Reformation

Holly Pivec of Spirit of Error addresses Arch Heretic Bill Johnson’s denial that he’s a part of the New Apostolic Reformation, which he clearly is as Holly reveals in her blog post: Following Christianity Today’s recent cover story on Bethel Church in … Continue reading