Julie Roys Attacks John MacArthur Over Steve Lawson Scandal

“By including the compliments and history between Lawson and MacArthur, Roys is sinisterly going for guilt by association. Meanwhile, she has already started labeling Lawson an abuser, going so far as to cite a Texas law against clergy sexual abuse.” … Continue reading 

Steve Lawson Ministry Issues Statement: ‘(His sin) disqualified him from ministry…he regrets the damage he has caused’

(Protestia) Steve Lawson’s OnePassion Ministry has released a statement about his recent implosion and revelation of an inappropriate relationship with a woman, filling in some of the gaps from the church’s own statement about his actions and what the consequences will … Continue reading 

Breaking: Steven Lawson Removed as Pastor from Trinity Due to ‘Inappropriate Relationship’ With Woman

“Screenshots from the email released on social media indicate that Lawson informed elders at the church that he engaged in an “inappropriate relationship” with a woman. The church’s website has removed Lawson from the leadership page.” Protestia (The Dissenter) Trinity … Continue reading 

A Closer Examination of the Concept of an ‘Inappropriate Relationship’

(Tom Rush – Truthscript) The internet is aflame with commentary on the recent revelation of the removal of Dr. Steve Lawson as pastor of Trinity Bible Church of Dallas due to an “inappropriate relationship.” The statement from the elders declares in … Continue reading 

Dis. Grace.: Responding Biblically to Church Scandal

“Scandals among Christian leaders are heartbreaking, disappointing, embarrassing. But the God who sent His only Son to the cross to turn sinners into saints has a wonderful way of taking offenses and turning them into opportunities for His kingdom.” (Michelle … Continue reading 

John MacArthur Rebukes Church Hosting Ligonier National Conference

“…why didn’t Ligonier take a stand against FBO as well? While MacArthur withdrew, for whatever reasons those were, many prominent speakers remain such as Steven Lawson, Sinclair Ferguson, Robert Godfrey, Stephen Nichols, Burk Parsons, Derek Thomas, and Michael Reeves, amongst … Continue reading 

You Just Need to Obey

(Steven Lawson – Ligonier Ministries)  Can you imagine a Christian couple actually praying about living together before marriage? Can you fathom a young woman who professes Christ even bothering to pray about whether she should marry an unbeliever? Can you … Continue reading 

Reformed Theological Seminary partners with convicted Clinton donor to launch Center for Reformed Theology

“Tong’s influence and prominence among some Reformed Americans is growing. In fact, D.A Carson, John Piper (a now avowed anti-Trump Christian), Sinclair Ferguson, Steven Lawson, and Timothy Keller were speakers at Tong’s Jakarta Conference during October 2020.”  (Capstone Report)  Reformed … Continue reading