About Marsha West

Marsha West is the owner and managing editor of Christian Research Network, Apprising Ministries (the late Ken Silva’s blog) and On Solid Rock Resources. She is also co-founder of Berean Research. For two decades Marsha was the owner and managing editor of Email Brigade website as well as the EMB News Report, a bi-weekly email report for conservative people of faith. For many years Marsha was a regular contributor to several blogs including CRN, RenewAmerica, News With Views and Web Commantary as well as popular websites she no longer endorses: American Family Association, Worldview Weekend, Stand Up For The Truth, The Christian Post and Christian Headlines. Although Marsha still blogs, her primary focus is CRN. Marsha also writes Research Papers (White Papers) on various topics that are published on CRN, Berean Research and On Solid Rock Resources. Visit Marsha’s other sites: On Solid Rock Resources https://www.onsolidrockresources.com/ Apprising Ministries http://apprising.org Marsha’s RenewAmerica Column http://renewamerica.com/columns/mwest Marsha’s Facebook Page http://facebook.com/marsha.west.77

How the Contemporary Church Has Eroded and Perverted True Worship of the Living God

“…worship” typically refers solely to the musical or concert portion of the service, while the preaching is often viewed as a separate, even lesser, component. This is a serious error as the preaching of the Word of God is not a mere add-on. It is the foundation of worship.”

(The Dissenter) When we take a look at biblical history, we find a pattern of worship that couldn’t be more distant from what we see in most modern churches today. Ancient Israel, a people set apart by God, was given meticulous laws and guidelines on how to worship the Creator of heaven and earth. It was an awe-stricken approach, deeply rooted in reverence and governed by God’s holy Word…. Continue reading

Hunter Biden meeting with associates at VP mansion underscores role father played wooing clients

A 2015 meeting with VP Biden and son Hunter’s client being wooed for Burisma deal involved discussion about influencing UN Secretary General race: One of many meetings that dispel the Democrat narrative of mere ‘illusion of access.”

(John Solomon – Just the News) Adorned with the Queen Anne-era of grand architecture and tightly guarded by Secret Service agents, the 9,000-square foot vice president’s mansion on the U.S. Naval Observatory grounds is rarely accessible to everyday Americans.  But Hunter Biden – as the son of a sitting vice president – was able to score the sort of VIP meeting inside the mansion that most lobbyists could only dream of. Continue reading

Veggie Tales Creator Releases Series Ft. Woke Xtians Complaining About Being Judged

(Protestia) VeggieTales creator and Holy Post podcast host Phil Vischer has gotten beat up on social media over the last few days, and for good reason. The shots have been coming after he criticized a conservative TV network for not featuring LBGTQ characters in films, compared Christians who oppose legal same-sex marriage to ‘confederate theologians’, and refuses to publicly condemn same-sex marriage, all the while doing so in a smarmy voice that would make even Andy Stanley jealous. Continue reading

Repost: ‘The Words You Spoke Are Disturbing’: Kennedy Stuns As He Reads Explicit Kids’ Books During Hearing

This repost includes the link to Townhall’s article

“So tell me what you want, who gets to decide? And all I’ve heard is the librarians. And parents have nothing to do with it. And if that’s your response, what planet did you just parachute in from?” 

(Leah Barkoukis – Townhall) Sen. John Kennedy showed his Democratic colleagues exactly what they’re defending in public schools and libraries when he read sexually graphic excerpts from some of the “banned books” at the center of this culture war battle. Continue reading

Reporter Gets Destroyed After Claiming ‘No Evidence’ for Biden Impeachment

“The impeachment inquiry doesn’t need to convince the public Joe Biden is corrupt; they know it already. The mainstream media may be pushing the narrative that this is about political revenge, but the evidence of political corruption has been out there for some time.” 

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) While conservative media has been reporting on the evidence of Biden family corruption for some time now, the mainstream has been turning a blind eye to it, even actively dismissing evidence and testimony. So when a reporter told Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.) that Americans “can’t see” evidence that Biden committed any crimes meriting impeachment, Perry shot back with receipts. Continue reading

On Evangelical Instability And The Remedy

(R. Scott Clark – The Heidelblog) Sometimes people who come from the non-confessional evangelical world look at confessional churches as though they are hide-bound traditionalists. Doubtless, that is sometimes true. The words “we have never done it that way” have been heard from time to time in Reformed churches. In recent years, however, I have noticed a remarkably rapid shift in segments of the non-confessional church world. Two large Bible churches with which I am familiar have, in different ways, undergone impressive doctrinal shifts…. Continue reading

Only 2% of Parents with Preteen Children Have a ‘Biblical Worldview

“A majority of the youngest teens (61%) either believe Jesus Christ sinned while He was on Earth or hold open the possibility He did. Not even half (45%) believe that God created the universe. And an overwhelming majority believe that there are no absolute, objective truths.”

(Protestia) Veteran pollster and researcher George Barna is reporting that less than 2% of parents with children under the age of 13 have a “biblical worldview,” according to his new book Raising Spiritual Champions: Nurturing Your Child’s Heart, Mind and Soul, with the overwhelming number of parents reporting a “hodge-podge mixture of competing and often conflicting worldviews.” Continue reading

Forget the police, the left now has a plan to DEFUND the Supreme Court of the United States…

(Revolver) One thing we can say about the left is that they never stop cooking up evil plans to take down their enemies. And one of their biggest enemies right now is the Supreme Court of the United States and they’re doing everything in their power to stop the hight court who has delivered a few doozies to them lately, like the Roe v Wade ruling and the affirmative action ruling. Many believed that the left would push stacking the court, however that’s proving to be a dud. Americans don’t want to see that happen, so they’ve come up with a totally new way to cripple the court: DEFUND THEM. Continue reading

‘The Words You Spoke Are Disturbing’: Kennedy Stuns As He Reads Explicit Kids’ Books During Hearing

“So tell me what you want, who gets to decide? And all I’ve heard is the librarians. And parents have nothing to do with it. And if that’s your response, what planet did you just parachute in from?” 

(Leah Barkoukis – Townhall) Sen. John Kennedy showed his Democratic colleagues exactly what they’re defending in public schools and libraries when he read sexually graphic excerpts from some of the “banned books” at the center of this culture war battle. Continue reading

Christian-Cloaked Occultism

“These practices, seductive as they may be, drift away from the core biblical teachings and often have more in common with New Age or occult beliefs than they do with orthodox Christianity. It’s a growing concern that necessitates unwavering discernment.”

(The Dissenter) In Part XIII of our hard-hitting series on the Snares of the Modern Church, we unmask one of the most pernicious yet insidious traps that have ensnared unwitting believers—occultism. Yes, you read that right. We’re talking about occult practices that have slithered their way into modern Christianity, camouflaging themselves as “spiritual disciplines” or “deep prayer methods.” From Lectio Divina promoted by well-known figures like John Piper, to Contemplative Prayer endorsed by many leaders including the late Tim Keller, these practices have wormed their way into mainstream Christian thought. Continue reading

The Sting

“The scorpions who control most media companies are more driven than ever to impose progressive policies and get pliable people like Biden and Kamala elected.”

(Bill O’Reilly) Picture this: You serve four years as president of the United States. During your term, inflation stays under two percent. Real wages and consumer spending power rises about 9 percent for American workers; unemployment is less than 4 percent after the pandemic.

Fairly good showing, correct? Continue reading

Media Clown World: ‘Meet the Liars’

Watch the short video to see for yourself that the mainstream media talking heads are liars and clever manipulators. What they do is unconscionable.

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) For your early Tuesday morning enjoyment, we have Greg Kelly’s ‘Meet the Liars,’ if you want more, go to NewsmaxTV and the Greg Kelly show, which they update daily.

In the media clown world, reporters praise themselves for the wonderful job they do and the grand experience it all is as they collect their multi-million dollar salaries. Continue reading

BREAKING: Impeachment Inquiry Into Joe Biden May Be Imminent

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) After months of stringing us along, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is reportedly now expected to endorse an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden. McCarthy has long been reluctant to get behind impeachment without an airtight case. The evidence is damning, and frankly, we’ve waited long enough. Sources tell ABC News that “the next logical step” in the investigation of Joe Biden’s corruption is an impeachment inquiry, which will give Congress the ability to obtain bank records and other documents. Continue reading

Acts 29 Pastor Says Gay Atheist Came to Christ Through a Psychic Tarot Card Reader Consulting a Native American Spirit Guide

(The Dissenter) In a cultural landscape teeming with ideological disarray, even the dialogue surrounding Christian interaction with the LGBTQ movement has been pulled apart by polarizing narratives. A particularly concerning viewpoint comes to light through the Acts 29 Network, which we wrote about last week, as represented by Justin Anderson and Mike Sullivan. Their perspective, under the guise of compassion and inclusivity, distorts biblical truths to a dangerous extent that it could mislead even the elect, if that were possible. This compromising theological view is not just problematic—it could lead souls astray, particularly when dealing with issues of sin and repentance. Continue reading

Letter to the Editor From Two Women: What Are We Doing Wrong?

Dear Lighthouse Trails:

This note is actually from two people—my friend Elizabeth and myself (Ann).  Judy and I have known one another for 12 years—we met at a Bible study in my home. She still lives in ___________ and I’m now in ________, and we meet once a week for a Zoom prayer. Even though there is a large age disparity—Elizabeth is 44, and I am 81—we are like-minded sisters in Christ.

Our question is this: Over the last several years, we have contacted pastors whose churches we attended—or—pastors who came to our attention, who were involved in contemplative, New Age, spiritual Formation, etc…. Continue reading

What Game is Hunter Biden Playing?

“One of two things explain the continuous reckless behavior of wayward son Hunter Biden: One, he is either still on drugs or so suffers from past addiction that he has lost all common sense and judgment, and simply cannot control his behavior. Or, two…”

(Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) What shameless act or felonious activity was not evidenced on Hunter Biden’s laptop? Racist attitudes toward Asians? Soliciting prostitution? Felonious use of drugs? Photographed nudity and perverse sex? Admissions to illicit foreign shakedowns? Continue reading

Law Enforcement Invokes Doctrine of Lesser Magistrates Against New Mexico Governor

“The Governor of New Mexico has just declared the 1st & 2nd Amendment “does not exist” due to an “emergency.” Under this legal theory all of our “rights” are essentially eliminated.” 

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) On September 7, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham issued an emergency order suspending the right to carry firearms in public across Albuquerque and the surrounding county for at least 30 days. This is the most unprecedented use of emergency powers since March 2020 from a governor of a state. Continue reading

Pentagon Targets the Unborn Enemy

“The Pentagon should not be mobilized against the unborn. The Department of Defense exists to defend life, not destroy it. Biden DoD’s policy is not just unlawful, it’s immoral. Congress has been clear; the Hyde Amendment protects taxpayers from being forced to fund abortions. I will continue to ensure the unborn and your tax dollars are protected.”

(Cliff Kincaid – RenewAmerica) Rather than kill the enemy, the Pentagon is now in the business of killing the unborn. How much confidence should we have in these “leaders?” They are a disgrace to the uniform. They should defect to Russia and China. Only then would we be in better shape. Continue reading

Charismatics Offer Prophetic ‘Dream School’ Certification, Only $2398

Definition of grifter: The word grifter is the noun form of the verb grift, which means obtaining money or property illicitly, as in a confidence game. A confidence game, or con game, is when a grifter gains the confidence of their victim and then swindles them out of money.

(Protestia) Do you desire to “learn a variety of ways God speaks through dreams?” Do you want to “become your own best dream interpreter?” Do you want to “be a part of advancing Dream Culture in your family, church, city, and nation!?” If so, look no further, as the Dream School would like nothing more than to scam your money  help you achieve these spectacular results. Continue reading

Megyn Kelly Regrets Getting COVID Vaccine After Discovering Medical Issue at Her Physical

(Laura Wellington – Western Journal) Megyn Kelly says she regrets getting the COVID-19 vaccine, explaining on her show Wednesday that she would have been better off without it.

Kelly told her guest, writer David Zweig, that she was glad her children hadn’t been vaccinated amid the heavy pressure to do so during the pandemic.

“I thank God I didn’t stick them with that vaccine,” she said. “I’m sorry I did to myself. … I regret getting the vaccine.” Continue reading

Sing Louder!

We can give each other courage: we all need to feel we’re doing right. Parents should be outraged, scandalized, that state governments (California, for one), the teachers’ unions, and Democrat politicians mean to sue school districts for “outing” children—to their parents!—if a child, groomed accordingly, shows an interest in “gender reassignment.”

(Lee Duigon – News With Views) Years ago there used to be a Christian radio talk show, just 15 minutes, with a panel of three. I can’t remember the name of the show, nor the panelists’ names; but one single spoken line I have remembered very well indeed. I’ll never forget it. Continue reading

Acts 29 Promotes LGBTQ Inclusivity in the Church and Waters Down the Gravity of The Sin of Homosexuality

“Would these same men make the same concessions for other sins they find to be vile, such as “racism” or “white supremacy”—all sins that Acts 29 leader, Matt Chandler, has repeatedly asserted that he has zero tolerance for? Doubtful.” 

(The Dissenter) In an era marked by increasing ideological fragmentation, the discussion around how Christians should engage with LGBTQ individuals is not exempt from polarizing viewpoints. A recently uncovered video clip from the Acts 29 Network, represented by Justin Anderson and Mike Sullivan, illuminates a perspective that is often embraced in contemporary Christian circles but poses serious theological concerns for Bible-believing Christians. Continue reading

Orwellian Hate Speech Laws Are Coming to the United States

“Oh, it’s definitely something that’s coming to the United States. And in fact, that’s one of the things that we found in the Twitter files – discussion about how European style hate speech laws were definitely coming here.” 

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) The EU is moving toward global rule over the Internet. They will determine what is said, what people can see, and what everyone can write. The EU passed an Orwellian Internet speech act that will drastically affect the 1st Amendment of the United States…. Continue reading

Trump says he was ‘not allowed’ to fire Fauci, but doctor ‘wasn’t a big player’ in administration

(Madeline Hubbard – Just the News) Former President Donald Trump said that he did not fire National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci because he was “not allowed” to, but at the end of the day, Fauci was not a “big player” in his administration.

Radio host Hugh Hewitt asked Trump during an interview Wednesday why he kept Fauci, who has since retired, in the government during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“First of all, you’re not allowed. He’s civil service, and you’re not allowed to fire him…. Continue reading