“MSNBC is in free fall, and to be honest, the best thing that could happen is for the network to be fire-sold with its denizens scattered to the four winds and forced to seek honest work. Either the reporters and writers have become such dead-eyed, slack-jawed, drool-faced acolytes of progressivism that they are hopelessly mired in their hatred for all things that lean right in any way that they cannot summon one ounce of compassion for Laken, her family, or anyone else who has suffered from crimes at the hands of illegals — or they are evil.”
(Lincoln Brown – PJ Media) It’s not uncommon in this line of work to say that the legacy media “beclowns” itself. But the latest offering from MSNBC is such a horrifically tone-deaf, unbelievably narcissistic exercise in left-wing talking points that the network deserves no quarter. There are differences of opinion, and there is propaganda. Continue reading