Massive spending on woke programs at Wikipedia draws attention of Elon Musk

“The criticism toward the woke priorities of Wikipedia comes after studies have determined that there indeed exists a leftist bias on the website, which is one of the most popular in the world.”

(Ben Zeisloft – The Sentinel) Elon Musk drew renewed attention in recent days toward the progressive bias at Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit parent company of Wikipedia, as shown by their budgetary priorities. Continue reading

The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep

1 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who does not enter by the door into the fold of the sheep, but climbs up some other way, he is a thief and a robber. 2 But he who enters by the door is a shepherd of the sheep. John 10:1-2 (LSB) 

Just because someone claims to be a Christian does not mean that person is regenerate, justified, sanctified, or adopted into God’s family. Many base their standing as a Christian on religious acts they have done. Others claim salvation based upon their good words plus their religion. Tragically, there are also many, and more each day it seems, “Christian leaders” who preach and teach things that they portray as the Good News, but are, instead, only the result of marketing techniques. Continue reading

Ginning Up the Next Pandemic: Bird Flu?

“If we have another leak, the hardcore leftists, globalists, socialists, commies, feudal lords, Bernie, and AOC followers on X, Hochul-ites, whatever they call themselves these days, will inflict more totalitarian measures that will never go away.”

(Mary Dowling) Politico wants to help the CDC raise your fears of the potential next pandemic — the Bird Flu. They said that veteran health officials like the ignominious Dr. Birx are angry the CDC isn’t making more of it. Continue reading

Burn it all down: Jill consumed by vengeance as she prepares her White House exit…

(Revolver) By now, most of us understand that the real “force” behind the day-to-day operations inside the White House was Jill Biden. Let’s be honest—Joe wasn’t capable of much, whether it was finding his way off a four-foot stage or leading the so-called free world. Jill was the one making key decisions that impacted not only our lives but also the very existence of the United States on the world stage—all without any political, business, or negotiating experience.

This was an article written back in July 2024, revealing that Jill Biden was the “real” (fake) president. Continue reading

To Trade Love for Discernment is not Discernment

“Paul argues that it is worse to lack biblical love than it is to lack the correct understanding or proper use of these other gifts of the Spirit.”

(Jared Moore – Real Truth Media) As Christians, we often deceive ourselves into thinking we love others when in reality, we have redefined “love.” The Internet and Social Media have tempted Christians to say things that may be true in unloving ways towards those they disagree with. In the name of defending the right use of miraculous spiritual gifts, deep doctrine, faith, or sacrifice, Christians argue without love as if being discerning is greater than exercising love, and in so doing, functionally relegate love to a secondary matter…. Continue reading

GOP Rep Humiliates CNN Host With Evidence of Biden Corruption

Lawler quickly countered with a detailed explanation of the financial trail uncovered in House Oversight Committee investigations, saying, “A Chinese company transferred money to a shell company owned by Hunter and Jim Biden that then transferred money directly to Jim and Sara Biden’s shell company that then transferred the money to Jim and Sara’s personal account who then immediately wrote a check for $40,000 to Joe Biden.”

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) Can you believe there are still voices in the liberal media clinging to the claim that Joe Biden never financially benefited from his family’s corrupt business schemes?… Continue reading

Don’t blame insurers’ greed — government made a mess of our health care

“You have health plan representatives who have never met the patient, have never been at the bedside or practiced medicine, but are now making treatment decisions.” 

(Betsy McCaughey)  Everyone’s blaming health insurance company greed for soaring costs, rising claims denials, and daunting roadblocks to care.

That’s naïve.

Follow the money to find the real culprits: lying politicians.

In 2013, before Affordable Care Act regulations kicked in, insurers denied roughly 1.5% of claims, according to the American Medical Association. Continue reading

Is Todd White A False Teacher?

“The kenosis heresy suggests that in becoming human, Jesus divested himself of his divine attributes such as omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniscience, but not his divine essence. This would mean that during his earthly ministry, Jesus was not all-powerful, all-knowing, and present everywhere, but was rather a finite human being in every respect except his sinless nature. This view was controversial in early Christianity and was condemned by some church fathers, such as John Chrysostom and Augustine, as heretical.”

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Todd White is an American charismatic teacher and evangelist, best known for his work with Lifestyle Christianity, a movement that emphasizes the importance of living out one’s faith in daily life. Born on December 7, 1975, in Texas, USA, White grew up in a religious family and gave his life to Christ at a young age. Continue reading

Trump’s New FCC Chief Just Read the Riot Act to Disney’s Bob Iger

“ABC wants to pull the programming you’ve been enjoying for free or as part of your existing cable package away from your local affiliate and stick it behind ABC’s streaming paywall.”  

(Stephen Green – PJ Media) “Dear Bob, Nice fake news network you have there. It would be a shame if anything were to happen to it. Love, Brendan.”

That isn’t quite what incoming FCC chair Brendan Carr wrote to Disney CEO Bob Iger this week, but it was pretty dang close. Continue reading

Sean McDowell Promotes Feminist David and Bathsheba Narrative

“Sean McDowell compromises Scripture by allowing a woman to teach and nuance functionally 2 Samuel 11 to legitimize feminist standpoint epistemology regarding Bathsheba’s role in the story. It is not the first compromise he has made and will unlikely be the last.”

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Within the realm of Christian apologetics, there are numerous figures that have built up followings via apologetics but when it comes to more polemical issues within the church, they are severely compromised. One such example is Sean McDowell, the son of Josh McDowell, who runs a large YouTube channel while also being a teacher at the liberal Biola University…. Continue reading

Is Christmas Pagan? You Decide.

“Just because pagans used a day, an object, or a symbol for their wicked practices hundreds or thousands of years ago does not mean those days, objects, or symbols carry the same meaning today. Think about the way a mere word can change meanings in such a short time.”

(Michelle Lesley) If you’re a Christian, you might have heard the anti-Christmas rumblings on social media, or maybe even in real life: Christmas has pagan origins…Santa’s elves started out as demons…the Roman winter solstice celebration of Saturnalia morphed into Christmas…Mithras…Krampus…the “naughty list” about the origins of Christmas goes on and on. Are these things true? Should Christians celebrate Christmas? Continue reading

Actor Denzel Washington Baptized, Ordained as a Licensed Minister

“Services frequently blur the line between genuine spiritual expression and theatrics, with worship driven by an almost compulsive need for emotional highs rather than an uncompromising commitment to Scripture….” 

(The Dissenter) Denzel Washington’s baptism at the Kelly Temple Church of God in Christ (COGIC) in Harlem on December 21, 2024, has made headlines across the religious and secular worlds alike. Touted as a significant spiritual milestone, the event was live-streamed—for maximum visibility, of course—complete with Washington receiving his minister’s license. Continue reading

Trump Vows to Stop ‘Transgender Lunacy’

(Madeline Leesman – Townhall) In remarks on Sunday, President-elect Donald Trump promised to put a stop to the radical transgender agenda once he enters office.

In his remarks, Trump said that his administration would stop “transgender lunacy,” including keeping men out of women’s sports and putting a stop to so-called “gender-affirming care” for children. This type of “care” encompasses hormone therapy, puberty blockers, and sex reassignment surgery. Continue reading

New Shocking Info About Biden’s Incapacity and Insult to Families of Troops Killed in Afghan Withdrawal

“(Biden) made us wait an extra three hours to receive the bodies of our dead family members because he couldn’t pull it together,’ Roice McCollum told Roice said she and others were waiting for Biden to appear when a military officer told her he was napping on his plane.”

(Nick Arama – Red State) We reported earlier in the week about the Wall Street Journal report that had concerning new stories about how long they’ve been covering up Joe Biden’s cognitive decline and how severe it had gotten even three years ago during the withdrawal from Afghanistan, when the chair of the House Armed Services Committee at the time wasn’t even able to get through to him about potential problems that could occur with the withdrawal. Continue reading

Can Offence Be Winsome?

“If you have enemies whose weapons are intended to attack the truth, there are indeed times to go on the offensive. It is a good thing to oppose those you mean to oppose, depending upon how you oppose them.”

(Aaron Edwards – Clear Truth Media) It’s generally a good idea for Christians to be gentle, kind-hearted, and upbuilding to one another. After all, this is what Paul explicitly calls us to do in Ephesians 4, and many other passages in the New Testament. Within the context of everyday Christian fellowship, this should be our default posture towards one another. Even to unbelievers who personally attack us we should “patiently endure evil” and correct our opponents “with gentleness” (2Tim. 2:24-25). However, this call to gentleness can easily be misunderstood. As Paul well knows, there is a need to speak sharply and even “offensively” to others. Continue reading

Joshua Harris Posts New Statement Apologizing for ‘Harm’ He Caused by ‘Purity Culture’

“But let’s be clear about what’s actually happening here. Harris is not simply reconsidering past errors or acknowledging “unintended consequences.” He is enabling behavior that places people’s souls in great danger of the eternal wrath of the living God. This is not compassion—it is cowardice masquerading as virtue.”

Joshua Harris—a name that once graced bestseller lists and pulpits—has long been a illustration of peril for those wary of celebrity Christianity. Even before his public renunciation of the faith, many of us saw the writing on the wall…. Continue reading

Profiting from Death: Daystar Squawks Church but Waddles Business

“Is Daystar another victim of a failed investment scheme as these women believe they have been?  Why won’t Daystar respond to these women?  Did Pastor Lloyd Bustard use his position of trust to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for personal benefit?”

(Barry Bowen and Pete Evans – Trinity Foundation) During a golf game about six years ago in north Texas, televangelist Marcus Lamb said to a couple of golfers, “That man ain’t dead yet!”

The surrounding golfers were disturbed by the comment because it sounded like Lamb wanted the man to die and the golfers knew that Lamb’s ministry held a life insurance policy for the man Lamb was talking about. Continue reading

So, We Have Secret Talks on a Border Bill Happening Right Now

(Matt Vespa – Townhall) We won an election based on the Democrats being wholly incompetent on immigration and border security, so what do Republicans do? They’re working on a secret immigration bill during the lame-duck period. It’s a sick joke and a total disgrace. First, any comprehensive immigration deal with Democrats is going to be littered with nonsense, like a pathway to citizenship and other provisions that were roundly rejected in the 2024 election. Mass deportations are what’s on the agenda right now—that’s it. Second, you know the bill is bad if these talks are described as “very serious” and “very secret” (via Axios): Continue reading

New Comprehensive Report of J6: Trump Is Not Guilty

(Mary Dowling) The comprehensive Loudermilk report of J6 came out this week and deserves a lot more attention than it’s getting. The report found that Donald Trump was not guilty of inciting the riot. They found “no evidence” that he wanted his followers to hang Mike Pence.

We knew this and had the evidence before, but it’s documented now.

The J6 committee constantly highlighted the miniature wood gallows found on Capitol grounds on January 6. They conveniently never found out who constructed the toy-like gallows…. Continue reading

9 Reasons to Celebrate Christmas with a Clean Conscience

(Joseph Spurgeon – TruthScript) After spending a couple of years wrestling with the arguments against celebrating Christmas put forth by some in the Reformed world, I have come to a better appreciation and a clean conscience for celebrating Christmas. I believe we can celebrate Christmas (and other Christian feasts) for the following reasons:

1. The Church‘s Responsibility The Church has been given the responsibility to teach all that Christ commands. The Church must teach the whole counsel of God. Seeing how this is impossible to do all at one time, the Church also has the authority to decide what parts of scripture and when those parts may be taught. Reformed Christians practice this weekly as elders decide what will be preached. There is no biblical reason why the Church would be forbidden to teach a certain truth at the same time each year. This falls clearly within the authority and liberty of the church to do. Those who would forbid the Church from teaching the nativity once a year have created an unbiblical rule that binds Christian liberty. Continue reading

Now They Tell Us Joe Biden’s Not Up For This Job

(Duane Patterson – Hot Air) Better late than never, I guess, but it doesn’t make regime media any less infuriating.

Thursday morning’s Wall Street Journal features a lengthy story by Annie Linskey, Rebecca Ballhaus, Emily Glazer, and Siobhan Hughes documenting the lengths Joe Biden’s staff at the White House went to in order to cover up the President’s rapid mental and physical decline not just from the public, but from his own cabinet and advisors. In a normal world, it’s easily the biggest scandal of the century thus far. Sadly, we’re not living in normalcy, and we have not been since COVID. Continue reading

We’re Learning More About the Wisconsin School Shooter

The manifesto titled “War Against Humanity” first appeared on an X account allegedly tied to Rupnow before the attack. In it, she expressed extreme hostility toward males, advocating their “total extermination.” 

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) The tragic shooting at Abundant Life Christian School in Madison, Wis., has left a community grieving and searching for answers. Authorities have identified 15-year-old Natalie “Samantha” Rupnow as the shooter in this horrific event, which claimed the lives of a teenage student and a teacher, injured six others, and ended with Rupnow taking her own life.  Continue reading

Dr. Michael Brown’s Accuser Reveals Identity, Blasts Him For Lying about Sexual Misconduct

“I keep thinking about why Michael Brown won’t just admit to what he has done or publicly repent and bring healing to SO many who have been hurt by his actions and words. Why is he hiding? Why such a vague statement? Why did he lie in his statement?”

(Protestia) The previously unnamed woman who recently accused author, apologist, and The Line of Fire radio host Dr. Michael Brown of committing sexual misconduct with/against her 23-year years ago has revealed her identity, along with a renewed list of grievances against the storied charismatic leader.

Earlier this month, Brown was accused by ‘Erin,’ now revealed to be Sarah Erin Monk (hereby known as Sarah), of sexually inappropriate conduct that would frequently cross physical boundaries, including holding her hand, kissing her on the lips, and slapping her back side. Continue reading

Mike Johnson’s Latest Spending Scheme Proves He’s Democrats’ Useful Idiot

“Johnson willingly agreed to continue funding a federal agency working to silence Americans’ speech.”

(Shawn Fleetwood – The Federalist) It’s another day that ends in “-y,” which means House Speaker Mike Johnson is busy stabbing conservative voters in the back.

Following days of backdoor scheming, congressional leaders released the text of their 1,547-page spending measure to fund the federal government through March 2025. Deceptively marketed as a “continuing resolution” or CR, the bill bears all the hallmarks of the bloated omnibus packages Johnson recently promised voters wouldn’t happen under his watch. Continue reading